Dear friends and colleagues :)

I hope this finds you well.  It was really great to see most of you in Joburg earlier this month. I hope that you all had a good time, I certainly did.

I am sorry to send belated gratitude and thanks to all the efforts and hard work of everyone involved. It would be unfair to single out anyone in case I leave anyone out. I felt very special to be there, thank you all!  I consider you all extended family since we all work hard in the public interest and the African public is my interest :) Please do feel free to be in touch with me privately any time. 

I wish to help in the best way that I can. One pic attached - here are a bunch of photos and I will add more too still

Thank you Tijani and Aziz on your leadership with this vote on individual members. 

Please forgive me for some skepticism on this topic. Comments / questions inline below:

On 25 Jul 2017, at 1:59 AM, ICANN At-Large Staff <> wrote:

Why does ICANN staff send emails from a “” domain?


Pardonnez-moi d'écrire en anglais seulement mon français est terrible

Dear All,
 Please note that a vote on the following recommendation on individual membership of AFRALO has been launched. All ALS representatives have received the voting credentials to vote electrically. This vote will be closed on Saturday, 29 July 2017 at 23:59 GMT

I have searched my emails because I was asked, but I need more leads as to how to find these "voting credentials to vote electrically”.. please help?

Do you support the following recommendations?
 1. Non Affiliated persons may become AFRALO members (unaffiliated members)

I have no idea why this is of any importance? We have spent far more time discussing this than any of the decisions that actually impact on how the Internet works.

2. The unaffiliated members must submit an affirmation to At-Large Staff indicating that they meet the following criteria:
· Being a permanent resident of one of the African countries
· Being not a member of a certified ALS.
· Accepting the AFRALO Operating Principles and the ALAC RoP
· Being subscribed to the AFRI-Discuss list,
· Being active in the local Internet end users community

I suggest if someone wants to join as an individual they need to justify why they won’t become a member of an ALS. I know of many that would welcome any interested member at no cost and provide them with background on this process and enable them to join the ALS discussions. 

Why would an individual not join an ALS in order to become a member of AFRALO?

3. Ceasing to meet any of the above criteria terminates unaffiliated membership.
 4. The Unaffiliated members are encouraged to join one of the certified ALSes of their country or create their own association and go through the regular process of ALS certification.
 5. The Unaffiliated members are encouraged to collaborate closely with AFRALO ALSes in their country of residence.
 6. The Unaffiliated members participate in all the AFRALO activities including but not limited to:
· Attending the AFRALO face to face and virtual meetings, 
· Participating in and/or initiating debates
· Proposing views, activities or projects
· Etc.
Nevertheless, they don’t participate in any kind of decision making in AFRALO.
 7. The individual membership issue will be reviewed by or before 2 years after implementation to reconsider the rights and duties of unaffiliated members in light of the experience gained during initial trial.

I agree to all of these. 

I am concerned about my privacy given the discussion at ICANN I fear I may need to become accredited to access the whois,. Can we discuss that?


Alan Levin