Thank you Sarah for starting us on this.

With the spirit of the new year, new decade,  I would suggest that we issue a statement on our areas of focus for 2020. This will give us a goal and a roadmap on what we want to achieve as Afralo moving forward. 

Otherwise the already suggested topics will also do. 

On Wed, Jan 15, 2020, 15:51 Dr Eberhard W Lisse <> wrote:

you are of course right (never mind the issues of scale), but remember,
this is the AFRALO/AfrICAN waffle session, where prepared resolution is
read, approved by whoever could get their trip funded to sit around
there and then consigned to the trash bin.


On 15/01/2020 13:56, Michele Neylon - Blacknight wrote:
> Why would an “end user” care?  Why would anyone want to make it more
> complicated and scary to get online?  Surely this is an issue for
> industry and not the “end user”?
> Most of the DNS abuse issues at the moment are due to providers not
> looking after their own networks / devices or acting on abuse reports.
> It’s not a coincidence that we end up having to block entire countries
> from our network on a regular basis
> While the goal of Barrack’s proposal might be honourable I don’t think
> it’s particularly practical or realistic
> To use an analogy.
> You can train someone to check the oil in their car, which in the DNS
> space could be akin to making sure that software was kept up to date
> But pushing DNS abuse knowledge would be like expecting me to be able
> to strip my car down
> Regards
> Michele

Dr. Eberhard W. Lisse   \         /      Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
el@lisse.NA             / *      | Telephone: +264 81 124 6733 (cell)
PO Box 8421              \      /
Bachbrecht 10007, Namibia ;____/

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