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Dear All,


The Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Virtual Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 24 March 2021 from 17:30-19:00 UTC.


The agenda is available here: https://community.icann.org/x/tgNtCQ



  1. Welcome Address- Seun Ojedeji, AFRALO Chair (17:30 UTC - 17:33 UTC)
    1. Recognizing the 25th AFRALO/AfrICANN Meeting
  2. Opening Remarks- Maureen Hilyard, ALAC Chair (17:33 UTC - 17:38 UTC)
  3. Guest speakers:
    1. Göran Marby, ICANN President and CEO (17:38 UTC - 17:43 UTC)
    2. León Sánchez, ICANN Board Vice-Chair and Board Director selected by At-Large (17:43 UTC - 17:48 UTC) 
    3. Mandla Msimang, Board Director,  ICANN (17:48 UTC - 17:53 UTC)
    4. Ihab Osman, Board Director, ICANN (17:53 UTC - 17:58 UTC)
    5. Pierre Dandijinou-Vice President for Africa (17:58 UTC - 18:03 UTC)
  4. A summary of the AFRALO webinar on "ICANN on ICANN multi-stakeholder model & increase in national legislations and regulations-Bram Fudzulani, AFRALO Regional Liaison on the ALAC Sub-Committee on Outreach and Engagement (18:03 UTC - 18:10 UTC)
  5. Introduction of the Topic- Hadia El Miniawi, ALAC Delegate to the NomCom from the African Region (18:10 UTC - 18:15 UTC)
  6. Presentation of the statement "ICANN multi-stakeholder model and the increase in national legislation and regulations"- Abdeldjalil Bacher, AFRALO Secretary, Sarah Kiden, ALAC Member, Barrack Otieno, At-Large Liaison to the ccNSO - Drafting Team EN version & FR version (18:15 UTC - 18:25 UTC)
  7. Discussion, modification and adoption of the statement -Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong, AFRALO Secretariat -  All (18:25 UTC - 18:50 UTC)
  8. Closing address- Seun Ojedeji, AFRALO Chair (18:50 UTC - 19:00 UTC)


If you would like to ask a question or make a comment in English or French, please type it in the chat by starting and ending your sentence with <QUESTION> or <COMMENT> (please keep them short). 


If you require a dial-out please contact At-Large staff at: staff@atlarge.icann.org.


We look forward to welcoming many of you during this session!


Thank you.

Kind Regards,


ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community

E-mail: staff@atlarge.icann.org

Website: atlarge.icann.org

Facebook: facebook.com/icannatlarge

Twitter: @ICANNAtLarge