
Sorry for the delayed response, we were blessed to have a new family member today, a baby girl :-)

No intention to require a legal registration as a requirement for AfRALO's ALS certification, some of our ALSes are Internet Society chapters or affiliated to an Internet global organization, which does not require a local legal registration.

This text is specifically for registered ALS, the text can be updated to ensure its clarity, this will be discussed in AfRALO’s monthly call.


Kind Regards,

On Sep 3, 2018, at 6:10 PM, Alan Greenberg <> wrote:


The document says:

An ALS can be decertified if its legal entity status changed in its country of registration to one of the following :
• ALS is dissolved
• ALS is de-registered or longer legally exist

There is an unstated implication that to be certified, an ALS must have a specific legal status and that it must be "registered".

There is no such current requirement for an ALS. Specifically "legal status" had not been required required in the past because in some countries/jurisdictions that is a difficult and potentially time-cosuming and expensive endeavour.

Are you now proposing that this will be required for AFRALO?


At 02/09/2018 06:44 AM, Mohamed El Bashir wrote:

French text below - Texte français ci-dessous

Dear Friends & Colleagues,

On the July AfRALO monthly conference call, there was a task for me to present an update on the status of AfRALO rules of procedures.

Please find attached a proposed draft text for AfRALO Decertification rules which will be discussed in our next week conference call.

Thank you

Kind Regards,
Mohamed Elbashir
AfRALO Chair


Chers amis et collègues,

Lors de la conférence téléphonique mensuelle de l'AfRALO en juillet, j'ai eu la tâche de présenter une mise à jour sur le statut des règles de procédure de l'AfRALO.

Veuillez trouver ci-joint un avant-projet de texte pour les règles de décertification de l'AfRALO qui sera discuté lors de notre conférence téléphonique de la semaine prochaine.

Je vous remercie

Sincères amitiés,
Mohamed Elbashir
Chaire AfRALO