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Dear All,


The monthly roundtable 7 (by EURALO): “DNS Abuse and intermediary liability of non-hosting providers” is scheduled on Tuesday 21 September at 18:00 UTC for 90 minutes.


The EURALO Roundtable will focus on recent ICANN responses to the DSA package and welcome input from leading European academics, who had reported on Internet governance, the DNA package and intermediary liability to the European Comission. It will be a part of the EURALO DNS Abuse end user information campaign, giving the European end user community an opportunity to discuss DNS Abuse related European legislative developments in an attempt to identify and best represent European end user interests within ICANN policy development and capacity building processes. We will also explore opportunities to expand the end user network to work with local NGOs, governments, and academia to ensure a good representation of ICANN core values in European polices.


Moderator: Sébastien Bachollet


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Guest Speakers:


Tobias Mahler is a law professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Oslo, where he is deputy director of the Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law (NRCCL). He specializes in information and communications technology law and is the legal research leader of the VIROS project (Vulnerability in the Robot Society).

His research is highly interdisciplinary, primarily combining legal research with computer science. His research interests cover a broad range of legal issues arising in the context of (i) robots, particularly with artificial intelligence capabilities, (ii) Internet governance (especially the domain name system), as well as (iii) cybersecurity and privacy. This focus on legal issues is complemented with research on legal technology to facilitate novel approaches such as legal risk management and visual representations of legal reasoning. He holds a PhD from the University of Oslo, an LLM degree in legal informatics from the University of Hannover, and a German law degree (first state exam). He has practised law in Norway as a corporate lawyer in the automotive industry, primarily working with international commercial contracts.  Prof. Mahler is the Director of the Master of Laws Programme in Information and Communication Technology Law at the University of Oslo. He teaches robot regulation, cybersecurity regulation, legal technology and artificial intelligence.  Mahler has been a visiting fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and Criminal Law in Freiburg, Germany, and the Stanford Centre for Internet and Society. In 2020 he acted as an expert advisor to the European Commission on drafting the upcoming Digital Services Act.


Sebastian is Associate Professor at the Centre for Information and Innovation Law (CIIR) at the University of Copenhagen and Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Oslo's Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law(NRCCL). Sebastian is interested in the regulation of & by technology.


Elena joined ICANN staff in April 2018. She currently holds the position of Government and IGOs Engagement Sr Director.




  1. Introduction and welcome, Sebastien Bachollet, EURALO Chair, (18:00 - 18:10 UTC) (10 mins)
  2. DNS Abuse and intermediary liability of non-hosting providers – where does the ICANN community fit in?, Tobias Mahler, UiO; Sebastian Felix Schwemer, Københavns Universitet (18:10 - 18:30 UTC) (20 mins)
  3. DNS Abuse and the EC DSA package – crossing the picket fence of content control? Elena Plexida, VP, Government and IGO Engagement, ICANN, (18:30 - 18:45 UTC) (15 mins)
  4. Q&A, moderated by Joanna Kulesza, ALAC EURALO (18:45 - 19:15 UTC) (30 mins)
  5. Summary and wrap up (19:15 - 19:30 UTC) (15 mins)


Background documents and references:

Elena Plexida, European Commission Unveils Important Initiatives Relevant to the DNS and DNS Service Providers,

Sebastian Schwemer, Tobias Mahler and Håkon Styri, Liability exemptions of non-hosting intermediaries: Sideshow in the Digital Services Act? []

Sebastian Schwemer, Tobias Mahler and Håkon Styri, Legal analysis of the intermediary service providers of non-hosting nature: Final report prepared for European Commission, 2020 []


The agenda can be found at:





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