We translators who are able to make translation from english to french and from french to english. Those translators are  members of our dynamic. Each time when need translation, there is a coast.
For Los Angeles, I think it will be impossible for African translators.

2007/8/27, < >:
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- - - - -

Today's Topics:

  1. Fwd: [icann-staff] Assistance with translation (Nick Ashton-Hart)
  2. Fwd: [icann-staff] Assistance with translation (Nick Ashton-Hart)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 18:21:57 +0100
From: Nick Ashton-Hart <>
Subject: [AFRI-Discuss] Fwd: [icann-staff] Assistance with translation
Message-ID: <mailbox-14606-1188235434@samana>
Content-Type: text/plain

-------> [ENGLISH] Original message in english
Dear All:

I hope that some of you will feel able to help out with this
important work :)

Begin forwarded message:

>  From: Paul Twomey < >
>  Date: 27 August 2007 06:52:57 BDT
>  To: "Icann-Staff@Icann.Org Icann-Staff@Icann.Org" <icann-
>  Subject: [icann-staff] Assistance with translation
>  Dear Colleagues:
>  As you will remember, an email was sent out requesting for
>  volunteers to check and correct translations of ICANN documents on
>  11th July. Whilst a couple of volunteers did step forward, we are
>  still well-short of the 5 checkers per language that we require,
>  and it is essential that we have at least five well in advance of
>  the Los Angeles meeting in order to meet the demands for
>  multilingual documents which that meeting will impose on us.
>  At the same time, we are trying not to ask members of the Staff to
>  volunteer for this task - as you are all fully occupied doing your
>  non-translation-related job. Ideally we are looking for members of
>  the ICANN community to help us out with this key, urgent need.
>  It would therefore be a great help if you could pass along the text
>  of the email below - modified if you think that's needed - to the
>  constituencies that each of you work with.
>  Many thanks in advance for your help with this crucial task!
>  Paul T
>  ------
>  Dear Colleagues:
>  As you know, ICANN is working to provide more access to its key
>  documents in non-English editions.
>  What you may not know is that each translated document must be
>  checked before it is made publicly by someone either on the staff,
>  or in the ICANN community, who is fluent in both English and the
>  language of the translated text, to ensure that the quality of the
>  translation is good, but also that ICANN-specific terminology and
>  phrases are correctly rendered in the translated text.
>  The increase in volume of translated documents means that the
>  existing pool of translation checkers is no longer sufficient to
>  the task.
>  If we could get an additional five checkers in the languages listed
>  below, by rotating through the list of checkers we could ensure
>  that the 'fatigue factor' was removed for a good while - and also
>  increase the capacity of the system to release translations in a
>  more timely fashion.
>  Do you know anyone who would be happy to help? Do you speak any of
>  these languages (alongside English) with sufficient skill to
>  volunteer yourself?
>  If the answer to either of those questions is "yes" please send an
>  email to:, with the following information:
>  1) Name of the Checker
>  2) Languages they can check
>  3) Contact info for the person (an email address and, if possible,
>  a phone number too)
>  The languages we need are:
>  Spanish
>  Brazilian Portuguese
>  French
>  Arabic
>  Russian
>  Chinese
>  Please note that no assumptions should be made that the above-
>  listed languages represent anything more than languages in which
>  translated texts of some documents will be made available from time
>  to time, and for which we need checkers in the interim period
>  whilst a more holistic enterprise-wide approach to multilingualism
>  is developed in concert with the community.
>  There will be some special 'thank yous' to the people who help with
>  this task over time - but the biggest thank you will be from the
>  community themselves. Because of these key people, more people will
>  be able to participate in the work of ICANN throughout the world,
>  and a greater diversity of views and a richer debate will be had by
>  all stakeholders.
>  We hope you will pass this along to suitable potential checkers and
>  thanks in advance for your help!
>  --
>  Regards,
>  The ICANN Translations Committee


Caro Tudo:

Eu espero que algum de você sinta capaz de ajudar para fora com este
trabalho importante:)

Comece a mensagem enviada:

> De: Data De Paul Twomey: 27 Agosto 2007 06:52:57 BDT A: De "Assunto
> Icann-Staff@Icann.Org Icann-Staff@Icann.Org ": auxílio [ da
> icann-equipe de funcionários ] com tradução
>  Caros Colegas:
>  Porque você recordará, um email foi emitido para fora pedido para
> voluntários a verificar e traduções corretas de originais de ICANN
> em 11o julho. Whilst um par dos voluntários executou a etapa para
> diante, nós somos ainda bem-curtos dos 5 verificadores por a língua
> que nós requeremos, e é essencial que nós temos ao menos o poço
> cinco adiantado da reunião de Los Angeles a fim se encontrar com as
> demandas para os originais multilingual que essa reunião imporá em
> nós.
>  Ao mesmo tempo, nós estamos tentando não pedir que os membros da
> equipe de funcionários ofereçam-se para esta tarefa - porque você
> é todo ocupado inteiramente fazendo seu trabalho
> non-tradução-relacionado. Idealmente nós estamos procurando membros
> da comunidade de ICANN para ajudar-nos para fora com esta chave,
> necessidade urgente.
>  Seria conseqüentemente uma ajuda grande se você poderia passar ao
> longo do texto do email abaixo - modificado se você pensasse que é
> needed - aos círculos eleitorais que cada um de você trabalha com.
>  Muitos agradecimentos adiantado para sua ajuda com esta tarefa
> crucial!
>  Paul T
>  Caros Colegas:
>  Como você sabe, ICANN está trabalhando para fornecer mais acesso a
> seus originais chaves em edições non-Inglesas.
>  O que você não pode saber é que cada original traduzido deve ser
> verificado antes que esteja feito publicamente por alguém ou na
> equipe de funcionários, ou na comunidade de ICANN, que é fluent  no
> inglês e na língua do texto traduzido, para se assegurar de que a
> qualidade da tradução seja boa, mas também que a terminologia e as
> frases de ICANN-specific estão rendidas corretamente no texto
> traduzido.
>  O aumento no volume de originais traduzidos significa que o pool
> existente de verificadores da tradução é um suficiente não mais
> longo à tarefa.
>  Se nós poderíamos começar cinco verificadores adicionais nas
> línguas alistadas abaixo, girando através da lista dos verificadores
> nós poderíamos assegurar-se de que ' o fator da fatiga ' estivesse
> removido para um bom quando - e aumentasse também a capacidade do
> sistema às traduções da liberação em uma forma mais oportuna.
>  Você sabe qualquer um que seria feliz ajudar? Você fala algumas
> destas línguas (ao lado do inglês) com a habilidade suficiente para
> oferecer-se?
>  Se a resposta a qualquer uma daquelas perguntas for "sim" por favor
> emita um email a:, com a seguinte informação:
>  1) nome das línguas do verificador 2) podem verificar 3) o contato
> info para ver se há a pessoa (um email address e, se possível, um
> número de telefone demasiado)
>  As línguas que nós necessitamos são:
>  Espanhol
> Chinês Russian Árabe Francês Portuguese Brazilian
>  Anote por favor que nenhuma suposição deve ser feita que as
> línguas listadas acima representam qualquer coisa mais do que as
> línguas em que traduziu textos de alguns originais serão feitas
> disponíveis do tempo ao tempo, e para quais nós necessitamos
> verificadores no período do ínterim whilst uma aproximação
> empresa-larga mais holística ao multilingualism é desenvolvida no
> concert com a comunidade.
>  Haverá algum especial ' agradece yous' aos povos que ajudam com esta
> tarefa sobre o tempo - mas o mais grandes agradecem-no serão da
> comunidade ele mesmo. Por causa destes povos chaves, mais povospossa  participar no trabalho de ICANN durante todo o mundo, e uma
> diversidade mais grande das vistas e de um debate mais rico será tida
> por todas as partes interessadas.
>  Nós esperamos que você passe este longitudinalmente aos
> verificadores potenciais apropriados e aos agradecimentos adiantado
> para sua ajuda!
>  -- consideração,
>  O Comitê Das Traduções de ICANN


Cher Tous :

J'espère qu'il se sentira capable aider dehors avec ce travail
important :)

Commencez le message expédié :

> De : Date De Paul Twomey : 27 Août 2007 06:52:57 BDT À : Objet
> D'"Icann-Staff@Icann.Org Icann-Staff@Icann.Org" : [ aide
> d'icann-personnel ] avec la traduction
>  Chers Collègues :
>  Car vous vous rappellerez, un email était demande envoyée pour des
> volontaires à vérifier et des traductions correctes des documents
> d'ICANN le 11 juillet. Tandis qu'un couple des volontaires faisait le
> pas en avant, nous sommes encore bien-courts des 5 contrôleurs par
> langue de la laquelle nous avons besoin, et il est essentiel que nous
> ayons au moins cinq bien avant la réunion de Los Angeles afin de
> satisfaire les demandes des documents multilingues que cette réunion
> imposera à nous.
>  En même temps, nous essayons de ne pas demander à des membres du
> personnel d'offrir pour ceci chargeons - car vous êtes tous
> entièrement occupé faisant votre travail non-traduction-connexe.
> Dans le meilleur des cas nous recherchons des membres de la
> communauté d'ICANN pour nous dépanner avec cette clef, le besoin
> pressant.
>  Ce serait de donc un grand secours si vous pourriez passer le long du
> texte de l'email ci-dessous - modifié si vous pensez qui est
> nécessaire - aux collèges électoraux avec lesquels chacun de vous
> travaille.
>  Beaucoup de mercis à l'avance de votre aide avec ce crucial
> chargent !
>  Paul T
>  Chers Collègues :
>  Comme vous le savez, ICANN travaille pour fournir plus d'accès à ses
> documents principaux en éditions non-Anglaises.
>  Ce que vous ne pouvez pas savoir est que chaque document traduit doit
> être vérifié avant qu'il soit fait publiquement par quelqu'un ou
> sur le personnel, ou dans la communauté d'ICANN, qui est à l'aise
> dans l'anglais et la langue du texte traduit, pour s'assurer que la
> qualité de la traduction est bonne, mais également que la
> terminologie et les expressions d'ICANN-specific sont correctement
> rendues dans le texte traduit.
>  L'augmentation du volume de documents traduits signifie que le groupe
> existant de contrôleurs de traduction n'est plus suffisant au
> charger.
>  Si nous pourrions obtenir les cinq contrôleurs additionnels dans les
> langues énumérées ci-dessous, par la rotation par la liste de
> contrôleurs nous pourrions nous assurer que le 'facteur de fatigue 'a
> été enlevé pour un bon tandis que - et augmente également la
> capacité du système aux traductions de dégagement d'une mode plus
> opportune.
>  Savez-vous n'importe qui qui serait heureux d'aider ? Parlez-vous
> n'importe laquelle de ces langues (à côté de l'anglais) avec la
> compétence suffisante pour vous offrir ?
>  Si la réponse à l'une ou l'autre de ces questions oui "veuillez
> être" envoyez un email à :, avec l'information
> suivante :
>  1) nom des langues du contrôleur 2) ils peuvent examiner 3)
> l'information de contact pour assurer la personne (un email address
> et, si possible, un numéro de téléphone trop)
>  Les langues que nous avons besoin sont :
>  Espagnol
> Chinois Russe Arabe Français Portugais Brésilien
>  Veuillez noter qu'aucune prétention ne devrait être faite
> que les langues énumérées ci-dessus représentent n'importe quoi
> davantage que des langues dans lesquelles a traduit des textes de
> quelques documents seront rendues disponibles de temps en temps, et
> pour ce que nous avons besoin de contrôleurs dans la période
> d'intérim tandis qu'une approche entreprise-large plus holistique au
> multilinguisme est développée de concert avec la communauté.
>  Il y aura un certain spécial 'remercient les yous au peuple qui
> aident avec ceci chargent le temps fini - mais les plus grands
> vous remercient seront de la communauté eux-mêmes. En raison de ces
> personnes principales, plus de personnespouvez participer au travail d'ICANN dans le monde entier, et une plus
> grande diversité des vues et d'une discussion plus riche sera eue par
> tous les dépositaires.
>  Nous espérons que vous passerez ceci le long aux contrôleurs
> potentiels appropriés et aux mercis à l'avance de votre aide !
>  -- respect,
>  Le Comité De Traductions d'ICANN

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Message: 2
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 18:21:57 +0100
From: Nick Ashton-Hart <>
Subject: [AFRI-Discuss] Fwd: [icann-staff] Assistance with translation
To: Asia-Pacific Discuss <>,
       Europe Discuss < >,  Africa Discuss
       <>, LAC Discuss
       < >,  NA Discuss
       <>,   At-Large Worldwide
       < >
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear All:

I hope that some of you will feel able to help out with this
important work :)

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Paul Twomey <>
> Date: 27 August 2007 06:52:57 BDT
> To: "Icann-Staff@Icann.Org Icann-Staff@Icann.Org" <icann-
> Subject: [icann-staff] Assistance with translation
> Dear Colleagues:
> As you will remember, an email was sent out requesting for
> volunteers to check and correct translations of ICANN documents on
> 11th July. Whilst a couple of volunteers did step forward, we are
> still well-short of the 5 checkers per language that we require,
> and it is essential that we have at least five well in advance of
> the Los Angeles meeting in order to meet the demands for
> multilingual documents which that meeting will impose on us.
> At the same time, we are trying not to ask members of the Staff to
> volunteer for this task - as you are all fully occupied doing your
> non-translation-related job. Ideally we are looking for members of
> the ICANN community to help us out with this key, urgent need.
> It would therefore be a great help if you could pass along the text
> of the email below - modified if you think that's needed - to the
> constituencies that each of you work with.
> Many thanks in advance for your help with this crucial task!
> Paul T
> ------
> Dear Colleagues:
> As you know, ICANN is working to provide more access to its key
> documents in non-English editions.
> What you may not know is that each translated document must be
> checked before it is made publicly by someone either on the staff,
> or in the ICANN community, who is fluent in both English and the
> language of the translated text, to ensure that the quality of the
> translation is good, but also that ICANN-specific terminology and
> phrases are correctly rendered in the translated text.
> The increase in volume of translated documents means that the
> existing pool of translation checkers is no longer sufficient to
> the task.
> If we could get an additional five checkers in the languages listed
> below, by rotating through the list of checkers we could ensure
> that the 'fatigue factor' was removed for a good while - and also
> increase the capacity of the system to release translations in a
> more timely fashion.
> Do you know anyone who would be happy to help? Do you speak any of
> these languages (alongside English) with sufficient skill to
> volunteer yourself?
> If the answer to either of those questions is "yes" please send an
> email to:, with the following information:
> 1) Name of the Checker
> 2) Languages they can check
> 3) Contact info for the person (an email address and, if possible,
> a phone number too)
> The languages we need are:
> Spanish
> Brazilian Portuguese
> French
> Arabic
> Russian
> Chinese
> Please note that no assumptions should be made that the above-
> listed languages represent anything more than languages in which
> translated texts of some documents will be made available from time
> to time, and for which we need checkers in the interim period
> whilst a more holistic enterprise-wide approach to multilingualism
> is developed in concert with the community.
> There will be some special 'thank yous' to the people who help with
> this task over time - but the biggest thank you will be from the
> community themselves. Because of these key people, more people will
> be able to participate in the work of ICANN throughout the world,
> and a greater diversity of views and a richer debate will be had by
> all stakeholders.
> We hope you will pass this along to suitable potential checkers and
> thanks in advance for your help!
> --
> Regards,
> The ICANN Translations Committee

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End of AFRI-Discuss Digest, Vol 10, Issue 16
