Hi Alan,

I disagree and Agree :-)

Disagree - The monthly conference call is not meant to be a dedicated forum for policy discussions, the actual policy issues are discussed (cooked) in the specific working groups, the outcome is presented in the monthly teleconference.

For example the Hot topics implementation group, which has members focusing on different policy issues (penholders) had about 4-5 working teleconferences, their recent outcome we a policy awareness webinar.

It’s rare that we conduct a vote on policy positions because the outcome is a result of a Bottom up process and consensus based, thereafter it’s discussed/endorsed by AfRALO, unless there are strong disagreements which require us to conduct a vote on the matter.

Agree that we need have more active members engaged in policy development, few active members we need more active contributors not passive participants.

I encourage ALSa/members to participate and represent AfRALO in the different At-Large policy WGs, there is lots of opportunities for our active members to contribute to the policy discussions and lead the work to debate and present AfRALO policy positions.


Kind Regards,

( Sent by iPhone - apologies for any misspelling )

On Sep 3, 2018, at 3:32 AM, Alan Levin <alan@futureperfect.co.za> wrote:


I disagree... from my experience there was never any discussion on relevant Internet policies on the telecons... maybe a mention.. 

I do agree that if AFRalos do not vote on relevant policy issues - many times in a row - that maybe worthwhile changing their status.



On Mon, Sep 3, 2018 at 12:08 PM DANIEL NANGHAKA <dndannang@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks Mohammad for sharing this document. 

It looks comprehensive though is there any way we can have a phrase for ALS Community Engagement. For instance we have an ALS but we have not heard or seen the way the ALS is engaging with its community to promote the works of ICANN. This can help decertify ALSes that are not in mandate with sharing information hence promotion of community engagements and feed about about various policies that require public comment. 

Kind Regards 
daniel KN

On Mon, 3 Sep 2018 at 08:19, Barrack Otieno <otieno.barrack@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Chair,

This is well received.


On Sun, Sep 2, 2018 at 1:45 PM Mohamed El Bashir <mbashir@mbash.net> wrote:

French text below - Texte français ci-dessous

Dear Friends & Colleagues, 

On the July AfRALO monthly conference call, there was a task for me to present an update on the status of AfRALO rules of procedures.

Please find attached a proposed draft text for AfRALO Decertification rules which will be discussed in our next week conference call.

Thank you 

Kind Regards,
Mohamed Elbashir 
AfRALO Chair 


Chers amis et collègues,

Lors de la conférence téléphonique mensuelle de l'AfRALO en juillet, j'ai eu la tâche de présenter une mise à jour sur le statut des règles de procédure de l'AfRALO.

Veuillez trouver ci-joint un avant-projet de texte pour les règles de décertification de l'AfRALO qui sera discuté lors de notre conférence téléphonique de la semaine prochaine.

Je vous remercie

Sincères amitiés,
Mohamed Elbashir
Chaire AfRALO

AFRI-Discuss mailing list

Homepage for the region: http://www.afralo.org

Posting guidelines to ensure machine translations of emails sent to this list are more accurate: http://www.funredes.org/mistica/english/emec/method_emec/presentation.html#anexo1

Barrack O. Otieno
Skype: barrack.otieno
PGP ID: 0x2611D86A

AFRI-Discuss mailing list

Homepage for the region: http://www.afralo.org

Posting guidelines to ensure machine translations of emails sent to this list are more accurate: http://www.funredes.org/mistica/english/emec/method_emec/presentation.html#anexo1

Nanghaka Daniel K.
Executive Director - ILICIT Africa/ Chair - Outreach and Engagement WG (ICANN At-Large)/ Chair - FOSSFA  / Geo4Africa Lead / Organising Team - FOSS4G2018
Mobile +256 772 898298 (Uganda)
Skype: daniel.nanghaka

----------------------------------------- "Working for Africa" -----------------------------------------

AFRI-Discuss mailing list

Homepage for the region: http://www.afralo.org

Posting guidelines to ensure machine translations of emails sent to this list are more accurate: http://www.funredes.org/mistica/english/emec/method_emec/presentation.html#anexo1
AFRI-Discuss mailing list

Homepage for the region: http://www.afralo.org

Posting guidelines to ensure machine translations of emails sent to this list are more accurate: http://www.funredes.org/mistica/english/emec/method_emec/presentation.html#anexo1