Dear all,

On behalf Satish Babu and Justine Chew, the Co-Chairs of the APRALO Policy Forum, we would like to invite you to join the APRALO Webinar on "Internationalized Domain Names: Advancing the IDN Agenda for a More Inclusive Internet" scheduled for Tuesday 27 July 2021 at 08:00 UTC for 90 mins.

The GNSO Council had in June 2021 initiated the Expedited Policy Development Process on Internationalized Domain Names (EPDP on IDNs) to provide it with policy recommendations on the definition of all generic top-level domains (gTLDs); management of variant labels; and how the IDN Implementation Guidelines should be updated in the future.

Given the particular importance of IDNs for the Asia-Pacific region given its linguistic and cultural diversity, the APRALO Policy Forum has, in association with the At-Large Capacity Building Working Group (CBWG), organized this introductory Webinar on IDNs to assist in building the capacity of our RALO members and other interested At-Large members to engage meaningfully in the work of the EPDP on IDNs.  

The webinar will provide attendees with an introductory understanding of IDNs from an end-user perspective, and will cover topics such as the basic concepts; the work done on IDNs since its launch in 2011; the process of delegation of IDNs into the Root Zone; IDN Variants and their management; IDN-based aspects of Subsequent Procedures; and the context of the EPDP on IDNs.

The 3 speakers joining webinar moderator, Satish Babu, are:

1. Emily Taylor, CEO, Oxford Information Labs
2. Sarmad Hussain, Sr Director, ICANN UA & IDN Programs
3. Justine Chew, ALAC Member & At-Large liaison for Subsequent Procedures

Agenda & Speaker Profiles

Languages: English, Chinese


Please join us and share this invitation widely. All welcome!

Thank you.

Kind regards,


ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community

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