"We understand that the proposal intends to create a new entity called the post transition IANA (PTI) that will be awarded contract by ICANN to operate the IANA function for names".

why does it say a new entity called Post Transition IANA if the transition itself is not over yet? If it is indeed over, I do not see why say Post Transition IANA.This structure must be another name in his new language in relation to stains it must fulfill in its new function.

2015-05-21 12:47 GMT+01:00 Baudouin SCHOMBE <b.schombe@gmail.com>:

while supporting Fatimata suggestion, I note some concern about this term Post Transition IANA (PTI)

ISOC Member
Téléphone mobile:+243998983491/+243813684512
email                  : b.schombe@gmail.com
skype                 : b.schombe
blog                    : http://akimambo.unblog.fr

2015-05-15 17:43 GMT+01:00 Aziz Hilali <hilaliaziz@yahoo.fr>:

Dear AFRALO members,

During the AFRALO monthly meeting held Wednesday, May 13, it was decided that AFRALO contributes to public comments on the Transition of the Stewardship of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions (https://www.icann.org/public-comments/cwg-stewardship-draft-proposal-2015-04-22-en).

I transmit you here attached for your comments the draft statement that Seun Ojedeji prepared. This Document would represent the opinion of AFRALO in response to public comments launched by the Cross-Community Working Group to Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions (CWG), which will be closed on May 20, 2015.

To include your comments in the final version on time, you are kindly requested to send them before May 17 at 18:00 UTC. The statement will be updated, based on your comments and will be sent before May 20 at 23:59 UTC.


Chers membres d’AFRALO,

Lors de la réunion mensuelle d’AFRALO qui a eu lieu le Mercredi 13 Mai, il a été décidé que AFRALO fasse une contribution aux commentaires publics sur la Transition de la supervision de la fonction IANA (https://www.icann.org/public-comments/cwg-stewardship-draft-proposal-2015-04-22-en).

Je vous transmets ci-joint le projet de Déclaration que Seun Ojedeji a préparé à l’intention des membres d’AFRALO pour Commentaires. Ce Document devrait représenter la Déclaration commune d’AFRALO en réponse au commentaire public lancé par Groupe de travail inter-communautaire de la transition du rôle de supervision des fonctions IANA sur les fonctions de nommage (CWG) et qui sera clos à la date du 20 Mai 2015.

Pour pouvoir compiler vos commentaires et vu l’approche du délai, je vous prie de nous transmettre vos commentaires avant le 17 Mai à 18:00 GMT. Cette déclaration sera mise à jour en fonction de vos commentaires et sera envoyée le 20 Mai avant 23:59 GMT.

Best Regards
Aziz Hilali

AFRI-Discuss mailing list

Homepage for the region: http://www.afralo.org

Posting guidelines to ensure machine translations of emails sent to this list are more accurate: http://www.funredes.org/mistica/english/emec/method_emec/presentation.html#anexo1

AFRI-Discuss mailing list

Homepage for the region: http://www.afralo.org

Posting guidelines to ensure machine translations of emails sent to this list are more accurate: http://www.funredes.org/mistica/english/emec/method_emec/presentation.html#anexo1

ISOC Member
Téléphone mobile:+243998983491/+243813684512
email                  : b.schombe@gmail.com
skype                 : b.schombe
blog                    : http://akimambo.unblog.fr