Merci Cher Cisse ,

Baba et Remmy vous avez mon soutien total pour endosser Votre/Notre candidature pour le MAG 2016.
D'ici ce soir je remplis le formulaire.


Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong 

Le jeudi 28 janvier 2016, <> a écrit :

Dear friends, colleagues

The African Civil Society on the Information Society, ACSIS is very happy to inform you that through a democratic and transparent process it has decided to endorse the candidatures of:

-          M. Adé Bada, Secretary General IGF Benin / ACSIS Western Africa Coordinator

-          M. Remmy Nweke, Lead Strategist/Group Executive Editor DIGITAL SENSE ACSIS member

On behalf of ACSIS, I request your support for the endorsement of their candidature to the IGF MAG16. Below you will find their expression of interest.

ACSIS is the unique Africa not for profit Plaform of organizations (more than 100 organizations and platforms made of Africa Civil Society concerns on Information Society). We hope that the diversity of regions and representativity of the candidates will be taken into account in the final selection process.

ACSIS is very happy with IGF mandate extension. ACSIS is also very grateful and thankful for your efforts in maintain the AFRICANN discussion list (an excellent tool for us to communicate and debate)

We would be happy to see the language matter and geographical representativeness to be dealt with. We are at your disposal in order to play a more prominent role on behalf of African Civil Society and for the Benefit of Africa and African communities

Best regards

Cissé Kane, PhD



Chers amis, collègues

La Société Civile Africaine sur la Société de l’Information ACSIS-SCASI est très heureuse de vous informer suite à une sélection démocratique et transparente, elle endosse la candidature de :

-           M. Adé Bada, Secrétaire Général IGF Benin / Coordinateur ACSIS Afrique de l’Ouest  

-          M. Remmy Nweke, Lead Strategist/Group Executive Editor DIGITAL SENSE/ membre ACSIS

Au d’ACSIS nous sollicitons votre soutien pour endosser leur candidature pour le MAG 2016 (voir leur expression d’Intérêt plus bas)

ACSIS est l’unique plateforme continentale de la SCA sans but lucratif (plus de 100 organisations et plateformes d’organisations) qui lutte pour les intérêts de l’Afrique dans le domaine des TIC. Nous espérons que la diversité des régions et la représentativité des candidats sera prise en compte dans le processus final de sélection.

Nous nous réjouissons du prolongement du mandat du FGI et vous exprimons notre reconnaissance pour avoir maintenu cette mailing list qui est un excellent espace de débat (Liste africann) .

Nous serions très heureux que les questions de langues et de représentativité géographique soient davantage prises en compte et restons à votre disposition pour jouer un rôle plus actif à vos côtés au nom de la SCA et pour le bénéfice de l’Afrique et de la Société Civile Africaine

Meilleurs messages

Cissé Kane

Président ACSIS




Remmy Nweke

Dear Colleagues,

At the novel convention of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) at the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunisia 2005, I was privileged to be a delegate and ever since then, my concept of MultiStakeholderism was ignited and has remained a motivating factor in most of my industry contributions across the Internet ecosystem where I find myself relevant to serve.

As evident, this belief led to our first setting up an entity called DigitalSENSE Africa Media, which today is an At-Large Structure (ALS) to serve as a vehicle to drive home what multistakeholderism stands for, comprising inclusiveness across growing access to the Internet, openness, privacy, security, diversity and human elements among others.

Hitherto, at DigitalSENSE Africa Media, where I lead a team of Strategists, we have consistently focused on developing initiatives that could engender and improve understanding of key issues of importance to our immediate community, which include but not limited to youth, students, women and community-based association to convey Internet efficacy via enlightenment on how best to increase usability positively, especially among the youths, who are furiously targeted as part of efforts at 'catching them young' and engendering knowledge via our DigitalSENSE Forum on Internet Governance for Development (IG4D) since 2009 and Nigeria IPv6 Roundtable from 2011, which are annual events organized and hosted by my team and structured to serve multi-stakeholder needs.

At the sub-regional level, I led a team that successfully organized and midwifed the first-ever West African Internet Governance Forum (WAIGF) hosted by Nigeria in Lagos in 2011.

On the continent, I recognize the needs which may not be too different from scenario in my home country, Nigeria, where several issues are increasingly seen as problematic, moreso the issue of access and affordability, which will form my agenda at MAG, hence, I have a pretty idea what the challenges are from this part of the world from the African premise and having practiced in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector in the past 19 years and adorned with several awards on Information Society via UNECA to attest these efforts.

Also in Nigeria, DigitalSENSE Africa effort at building multistakeholderism gave rise to nurturing of what is today known as Nigeria Internet Governance Forum (NIGF) of which I am equally serving as a member of the NIGF Local Multistakeholder Advisory Group (LMAG), just as I served as a member of the Civil Society Selection Group for the just concluded WSIS+10 Stakeholder Selection Committee for the United Nations President of the General Assembly, among others.

I holds a Master of Arts degree from the University of Malta on Contemporary Diplomacy, aside having a Higher National Diploma (HND) in Mass Communication (Journalism) as well as Ordinary National Diploma from the Institute of Journalism & Management, Enugu, Enugu State-Nigeria, among other certification in Computer Studies and Online Journalism and Management from the German International Institute for Journalism (IIJ) Berlin. I am the author of "A Decade of ICT Reportage ... The Award-winning series in addition to having Diploma from Diplo Foundation since 2005 on Internet Governance Capacity Building, and completed a certification course on Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy by The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, to name but a few.

Lately, I served as an elected Executive board member, Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NIRA), the managers of .NG country code Top Level Domain and extended by services to several committees including Communications and Publicity, Accreditation, Finance and Establishment, as well as a member of the African Civil Society on the Information Society (ACSIS), branch Secretary, Cyber Security Expert Association of Nigeria (CSEAN) and former publicity secretary, Nigeria Internet Group (NIG) cum chairman, International Relations of NIG; pioneer Secretary, ICT Media Initiative; BARK Foundation – a knowledge-base advocacy group; Internet Governance Caucus (IGC), to name a few.

I am an active individual member of ICANN's Generic Name Supporting Organisations (GNSO) like Non-Commercial Users Stakeholder Group (NCSG) and Non-Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC) respectively and has been in forefront of all-inclusive diversity advocacy and recently served as one of the by-lawyers to review the guidelines of NCUC, among others. In addition, I am a consistent member of At-Large Advisory Committee of ICANN under AFRALO - African Regional At-Large Organisation; member of the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement and would like to bring these experiences to bear in the contributions and participation if given the chance to serve at the Internet Governance Forum Multistakeholder Advisory Group (IGF-MAG) for a better netizen-driven society by leveraging on the efforts of past MAG members.

I will appreciate consideration of my request to serve.

Remmy Nweke


Adé Bada


Ardent promoter and advocate of Pan-Africanism, Adé BADA is a keen believer of ICT and everything that relates to information. He gained expertise on issues related to ICT through solid training and experience, from design, development, implementation of computer networks and from  the training of users of all levels. He had the opportunity to rub shoulders with other IT professionals on the continent and develop master plans of several institutions before turning to the right and get a master's degree. The transverse side of the computer allowed him to focus on logistics in humanitarian and acquire a solid experience of more than ten years there before making a master's in project management. Currently coordinator of the ACSIS West Africa he exercises his talents in  banking while continuing IT and legal consultations. He is also Secretary fgi Benin. Your humble servant, has a great capacity for adaptation and integration in addition to several years of satisfying experience.

Support my candidature, your questions and suggestions are expected.


Ardent promoteur et défenseur du panafricanisme, Adé BADA est un féru des TICs et de tout ce qui a rapport à l'information. Il a acquis une expertise des questions liées aux TICs à travers une solide formation et expérience, allant de la conception, l'élaboration et de la mise en place des réseaux informatiques à la formation des utilisateurs de tout niveau. Il a eu l'opportunité de se frotter à d'autres informaticiens sur le continent et d'élaborer les schémas directeurs de plusieurs institutions avant de s'intéresser au droit et d'obtenir une maîtrise.
Le côté transversal de l'informatique lui a permis de s'intéresser à la logistique dans l'humanitaire et d'y acquérir une solide expérience de plus d'une dizaine d'années avant de faire un master en gestion des projets.
Actuellement, coordinateur ACSIS de l'Afrique de l'Ouest il exerce ses talents en banque tout en continuant les consultations IT et juridiques et aussi je suis secrétaire FGI Bénin. Votre humble serviteur, a une grande capacité d'adaptation et d'intégration en plus de plusieurs années d'expérience.

Je compte sur votre soutient et suis ouvert à toutes les questions et suggestions. Merci

Adé Bada




DGA & Co-Fondateur ZIYARA Sarl