Dear All,


This message is being sent on behalf of Yrjö Länsipuro, the Chair of the Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) and Alan Greenberg, Chair of the Board Member Selection Process Committee (BMSPC).


From BCEC Chair:


The BCEC received only one Expression of Interest for position of Board Member selected by At-Large (ICANN Board Seat 15) for the three year term beginning at the conclusion of ICANN69 scheduled to be held in Hamburg in October 2020. The BCEC confirmed that the applicant is an excellent candidate, and in accordance with its responsibilities under ALAC Rules of Procedure (RoP), places the name of León Sánchez on the BCEC Slate of Candidates for Seat 15.


From the BMSPC Chair:


The ALAC RoP allow RALOs to petition to add additional candidates to the BCEC Slate of Candidates. In this case, there were no additional EoIs submitted, so no petition process is possible.


The ALAC RoP 19.11.2 reads: "If there is only one candidate on the Final Candidate List, that candidate will be acclaimed the winner."


Accordingly it is my pleasure to announce that León Felipe Sánchez Ambía has been selected as the occupant of ICANN Board Seat 15 for a second three year term beginning at the conclusion of ICANN69 scheduled to be held in Hamburg in October 2020.


Kind regards,


ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community
Twitter: @ICANNAtLarge