Bonsoir à tous,

Je suis en accord avec le thème proposé par AFRALO.

Bien à vous!


2016-05-31 16:41 GMT+01:00 Barrack Otieno <>:

If you missed this on the list:


Dear all,As we have done during the previous ICANN meetings, we will
be holding a joint AFRALO/AfrICANN meeting to discuss issues or
subjects of interest to our region at the scheduled ICANN 56 meeting
in Helsinki, which takes place from 27-30 June 2016. The theme
proposed by the members of AFRALO will be "IANA transition and ICANN
accountability ".

The purpose of this message therefore is to ask you to please,
validate this theme or propose a different one that you think is most
We are also looking forward for presentation of a ?joint statement? to
the attention of ICANN Board at the end of this meeting. We would
appreciate your proposal being sent within a week (before 04 June

Please note that beyond a week, if we do not receive any proposal, the
leadership of AFRALO will constitute a drafting committee that will
decide the theme and propose to the Community a draft statement to
ICANN. This statement will be discussed at the meeting in Helsinki.
The subject chosen should be relevant to the interest of two
organizations: AfrICANN and AFRALO. It should be noted that the
interest of this tradition, which we organize together since Brussels,
is to express the point of view of the African ICANN community on
current issues of interest to the ICANN community.

Best Regards
Aziz Hilali

Chers tous,
Comme nous l'avons fait au cours des pr?c?dentes r?unions de l'ICANN,
nous allons organiser ? Helsinki la r?union conjointe AFRALO/AfrICANN
et qui aura lieu du 27 au 30 juin 2016, pour d?battre d?une question
ou d?un sujet d'int?r?t pour notre r?gion. Le th?me propos? par les
membres d?AFRALO est ? la transition des fonctions de l?IANA et la
Responsabilit?/Redevabilit? de l?ICANN ?.

Le but de ce message est de vous demander de bien vouloir valider ce
th?me ou en proposer un autre que vous pensez ?tre plus pertinent.

Cette r?union aboutira ? la pr?sentation d'une ?d?claration commune? ?
l?attention du Conseil d?administration de l'ICANN. Nous appr?cierions
que la proposition de th?me soit envoy?e dans une semaine (avant le 04
Juin 2016).
Veuillez noter qu'au-del? d'une semaine, si nous ne recevons pas de
proposition ; la direction d?AFRALO constituera un comit? de r?daction
qui d?cidera du th?me et proposera ? la Communaut? un projet de
d?claration ? l?intention de l'ICANN. Cette d?claration sera discut?e
? la r?union ? Helsinki.
Le sujet choisi devra avoir l?approbation des deux listes AfrICANN et
Afralo. Il est ? noter que l'int?r?t de cette tradition que nous
organisons ensemble depuis Bruxelles, est d'exprimer le point de vue
de la communaut? africaine de l'ICANN sur les questions d'actualit? et
d'int?r?t pour la communaut? de l'ICANN.

Aziz Hilali
Pr?sident d?AFRALO
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong <>
Date: Tue, 31 May 2016 16:01:42 +0100
Subject: Re: [AFRI-Discuss] AfrICANN Digest, Vol 111, Issue 25
To: "" <>, Afri-Discuss

Moi je suis parfaitement d'accord avec cette préposition du thème,ceci
permettra sans doute à notre comité d'appréhender l'impact de la transition
IANA sur l'écosystème mondial de l'internet en général ET l'écosystème
africain en particulier ;


Le dimanche 29 mai 2016, <> a écrit :

> Send AfrICANN mailing list submissions to
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> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> <javascript:;>
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> <javascript:;>
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of AfrICANN digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Draft Restated Articles of Incorporation for      public comments
>       (Yaovi Atohoun)
>    2. Call for a theme for the Joint AFRALO/AfrICANN Meeting at
>       ICANN 56 Helsinki (Aziz Hilali)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 28 May 2016 17:15:10 +0000
> From: Yaovi Atohoun < <javascript:;>>
> To: AfrICANN Community List < <javascript:;>>
> Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] Draft Restated Articles of Incorporation
>         for     public comments
> Message-ID: < <javascript:;>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Dear all,
> The proposed draft of the Restated Articles of Incorporation was developed
> collaboratively by the ICANN legal team and the independent counsel hired
> to
> advise the CCWG-Accountability and the Cross Community Working Group to
> Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions
> (CWG-Stewardship).  Please 
> Thanks
> -
> Yaovi Atohoun
> Stakeholder Engagement and Operations  Manager ? Africa
> Mobile : +229 66015649 / 97891228
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Sat, 28 May 2016 20:21:43 +0000 (UTC)
> From: Aziz Hilali < <javascript:;>>
> To: " <javascript:;>"
>         < <javascript:;>>,  "
> <javascript:;>"
>         < <javascript:;>>
> Cc: ICANN At-Large Staff < <javascript:;>>
> Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] Call for a theme for the Joint
>         AFRALO/AfrICANN Meeting at ICANN 56 Helsinki
> Message-ID:
>         <
> <javascript:;>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> [English]
> Dear all,As we have done during the previous ICANN meetings, we will be
> holding a joint AFRALO/AfrICANN meeting to discuss issues or subjects of
> interest to our region at the scheduled ICANN 56 meeting in Helsinki, which
> takes place from 27-30 June 2016. The theme proposed by the members of
> AFRALO will be "IANA transition and ICANN accountability ".
> The purpose of this message therefore is to ask you to please, validate
> this theme or propose a different one that you think is most pertinent.
> We are also looking forward for presentation of a ?joint statement? to the
> attention of ICANN Board at the end of this meeting. We would appreciate
> your proposal being sent within a week (before 04 June 2016).
> Please note that beyond a week, if we do not receive any proposal, the
> leadership of AFRALO will constitute a drafting committee that will decide
> the theme and propose to the Community a draft statement to ICANN. This
> statement will be discussed at the meeting in Helsinki.
> The subject chosen should be relevant to the interest of two
> organizations: AfrICANN and AFRALO. It should be noted that the interest of
> this tradition, which we organize together since Brussels, is to express
> the point of view of the African ICANN community on current issues of
> interest to the ICANN community.
> Best Regards
> Aziz Hilali
> AFRALO Chair
>  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [French]
> Chers tous,
> Comme nous l'avons fait au cours des pr?c?dentes r?unions de l'ICANN, nous
> allons organiser ? Helsinki la r?union conjointe AFRALO/AfrICANN et qui
> aura lieu du 27 au 30 juin 2016, pour d?battre d?une question ou d?un sujet
> d'int?r?t pour notre r?gion. Le th?me propos? par les membres d?AFRALO est
> ? la transition des fonctions de l?IANA et la Responsabilit?/Redevabilit?
> de l?ICANN ?.
> Le but de ce message est de vous demander de bien vouloir valider ce th?me
> ou en proposer un autre que vous pensez ?tre plus pertinent.
> Cette r?union aboutira ? la pr?sentation d'une ?d?claration commune? ?
> l?attention du Conseil d?administration de l'ICANN. Nous appr?cierions que
> la proposition de th?me soit envoy?e dans une semaine (avant le 04 Juin
> 2016).
> Veuillez noter qu'au-del? d'une semaine, si nous ne recevons pas de
> proposition ; la direction d?AFRALO constituera un comit? de r?daction qui
> d?cidera du th?me et proposera ? la Communaut? un projet de d?claration ?
> l?intention de l'ICANN. Cette d?claration sera discut?e ? la r?union ?
> Helsinki.
> Le sujet choisi devra avoir l?approbation des deux listes AfrICANN et
> Afralo. Il est ? noter que l'int?r?t de cette tradition que nous organisons
> ensemble depuis Bruxelles, est d'exprimer le point de vue de la communaut?
> africaine de l'ICANN sur les questions d'actualit? et d'int?r?t pour la
> communaut? de l'ICANN.
> Cordialement
> Aziz Hilali
> Pr?sident d?AFRALO
> -------------- next part --------------
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> >
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> Subject: Digest Footer
> _______________________________________________
> AfrICANN mailing list
> <javascript:;>
> ------------------------------
> End of AfrICANN Digest, Vol 111, Issue 25
> *****************************************


DGA & Co-Fondateur ZIYARA Sarl

|AFRINIC 21 Maurice Fellow|ISOC CHAD Member|ICANN/AFRALO Member||

Barrack O. Otieno
Skype: barrack.otieno
PGP ID: 0x2611D86A
AFRI-Discuss mailing list

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