Please just a clarification,
We have translators who are able to make translation in both version english and french.But to do translation, they need money because they are young and also they have recurrent charge. It's consultation Office of translators.

2007/8/28, CAFEC <>:
We translators who are able to make translation from english to french and from french to english. Those translators are  members of our dynamic. Each time when need translation, there is a coast.
For Los Angeles, I think it will be impossible for African translators.

2007/8/27, < >:
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Today's Topics:

  1. Fwd: [icann-staff] Assistance with translation (Nick Ashton-Hart)
  2. Fwd: [icann-staff] Assistance with translation (Nick Ashton-Hart)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 18:21:57 +0100
From: Nick Ashton-Hart < >
Subject: [AFRI-Discuss] Fwd: [icann-staff] Assistance with translation
Message-ID: <mailbox-14606-1188235434@samana>
Content-Type: text/plain

-------> [ENGLISH] Original message in english
Dear All:

I hope that some of you will feel able to help out with this
important work :)

Begin forwarded message:

>  From: Paul Twomey < >
>  Date: 27 August 2007 06:52:57 BDT
>  To: "Icann-Staff@Icann.Org Icann-Staff@Icann.Org" <icann-
>  Subject: [icann-staff] Assistance with translation
>  Dear Colleagues:
>  As you will remember, an email was sent out requesting for
>  volunteers to check and correct translations of ICANN documents on
>  11th July. Whilst a couple of volunteers did step forward, we are
>  still well-short of the 5 checkers per language that we require,
>  and it is essential that we have at least five well in advance of
>  the Los Angeles meeting in order to meet the demands for
>  multilingual documents which that meeting will impose on us.
>  At the same time, we are trying not to ask members of the Staff to
>  volunteer for this task - as you are all fully occupied doing your
>  non-translation-related job. Ideally we are looking for members of
>  the ICANN community to help us out with this key, urgent need.
>  It would therefore be a great help if you could pass along the text
>  of the email below - modified if you think that's needed - to the
>  constituencies that each of you work with.
>  Many thanks in advance for your help with this crucial task!
>  Paul T
>  ------
>  Dear Colleagues:
>  As you know, ICANN is working to provide more access to its key
>  documents in non-English editions.
>  What you may not know is that each translated document must be
>  checked before it is made publicly by someone either on the staff,
>  or in the ICANN community, who is fluent in both English and the
>  language of the translated text, to ensure that the quality of the
>  translation is good, but also that ICANN-specific terminology and
>  phrases are correctly rendered in the translated text.
>  The increase in volume of translated documents means that the
>  existing pool of translation checkers is no longer sufficient to
>  the task.
>  If we could get an additional five checkers in the languages listed
>  below, by rotating through the list of checkers we could ensure
>  that the 'fatigue factor' was removed for a good while - and also
>  increase the capacity of the system to release translations in a
>  more timely fashion.
>  Do you know anyone who would be happy to help? Do you speak any of
>  these languages (alongside English) with sufficient skill to
>  volunteer yourself?
>  If the answer to either of those questions is "yes" please send an
>  email to: , with the following information:
>  1) Name of the Checker
>  2) Languages they can check
>  3) Contact info for the person (an email address and, if possible,
>  a phone number too)
>  The languages we need are:
>  Spanish
>  Brazilian Portuguese
>  French
>  Arabic
>  Russian
>  Chinese
>  Please note that no assumptions should be made that the above-
>  listed languages represent anything more than languages in which
>  translated texts of some documents will be made available from time
>  to time, and for which we need checkers in the interim period
>  whilst a more holistic enterprise-wide approach to multilingualism
>  is developed in concert with the community.
>  There will be some special 'thank yous' to the people who help with
>  this task over time - but the biggest thank you will be from the
>  community themselves. Because of these key people, more people will
>  be able to participate in the work of ICANN throughout the world,
>  and a greater diversity of views and a richer debate will be had by
>  all stakeholders.
>  We hope you will pass this along to suitable potential checkers and
>  thanks in advance for your help!
>  --
>  Regards,
>  The ICANN Translations Committee


Caro Tudo:

Eu espero que algum de você sinta capaz de ajudar para fora com este
trabalho importante:)

Comece a mensagem enviada:

> De: Data De Paul Twomey: 27 Agosto 2007 06:52:57 BDT A: De "Assunto
> Icann-Staff@Icann.Org Icann-Staff@Icann.Org ": auxílio [ da
> icann-equipe de funcionários ] com tradução
>  Caros Colegas:
>  Porque você recordará, um email foi emitido para fora pedido para
> voluntários a verificar e traduções corretas de originais de ICANN
> em 11o julho. Whilst um par dos voluntários executou a etapa para
> diante, nós somos ainda bem-curtos dos 5 verificadores por a língua
> que nós requeremos, e é essencial que nós temos ao menos o poço
> cinco adiantado da reunião de Los Angeles a fim se encontrar com as
> demandas para os originais multilingual que essa reunião imporá em
> nós.
>  Ao mesmo tempo, nós estamos tentando não pedir que os membros da
> equipe de funcionários ofereçam-se para esta tarefa - porque você
> é todo ocupado inteiramente fazendo seu trabalho
> non-tradução-relacionado. Idealmente nós estamos procurando membros
> da comunidade de ICANN para ajudar-nos para fora com esta chave,
> necessidade urgente.
>  Seria conseqüentemente uma ajuda grande se você poderia passar ao
> longo do texto do email abaixo - modificado se você pensasse que é
> needed - aos círculos eleitorais que cada um de você trabalha com.
>  Muitos agradecimentos adiantado para sua ajuda com esta tarefa
> crucial!
>  Paul T
>  Caros Colegas:
>  Como você sabe, ICANN está trabalhando para fornecer mais acesso a
> seus originais chaves em edições non-Inglesas.
>  O que você não pode saber é que cada original traduzido deve ser
> verificado antes que esteja feito publicamente por alguém ou na
> equipe de funcionários, ou na comunidade de ICANN, que é fluent  no
> inglês e na língua do texto traduzido, para se assegurar de que a
> qualidade da tradução seja boa, mas também que a terminologia e as
> frases de ICANN-specific estão rendidas corretamente no texto
> traduzido.
>  O aumento no volume de originais traduzidos significa que o pool
> existente de verificadores da tradução é um suficiente não mais
> longo à tarefa.
>  Se nós poderíamos começar cinco verificadores adicionais nas
> línguas alistadas abaixo, girando através da lista dos verificadores
> nós poderíamos assegurar-se de que ' o fator da fatiga ' estivesse
> removido para um bom quando - e aumentasse também a capacidade do
> sistema às traduções da liberação em uma forma mais oportuna.
>  Você sabe qualquer um que seria feliz ajudar? Você fala algumas
> destas línguas (ao lado do inglês) com a habilidade suficiente para
> oferecer-se?
>  Se a resposta a qualquer uma daquelas perguntas for "sim" por favor
> emita um email a:, com a seguinte informação:
>  1) nome das línguas do verificador 2) podem verificar 3) o contato
> info para ver se há a pessoa (um email address e, se possível, um
> número de telefone demasiado)
>  As línguas que nós necessitamos são:
>  Espanhol
> Chinês Russian Árabe Francês Portuguese Brazilian
>  Anote por favor que nenhuma suposição deve ser feita que as
> línguas listadas acima representam qualquer coisa mais do que as
> línguas em que traduziu textos de alguns originais serão feitas
> disponíveis do tempo ao tempo, e para quais nós necessitamos
> verificadores no período do ínterim whilst uma aproximação
> empresa-larga mais holística ao multilingualism é desenvolvida no
> concert com a comunidade.
>  Haverá algum especial ' agradece yous' aos povos que ajudam com esta
> tarefa sobre o tempo - mas o mais grandes agradecem-no serão da
> comunidade ele mesmo. Por causa destes povos chaves, mais povospossa  participar no trabalho de ICANN durante todo o mundo, e uma
> diversidade mais grande das vistas e de um debate mais rico será tida
> por todas as partes interessadas.
>  Nós esperamos que você passe este longitudinalmente aos
> verificadores potenciais apropriados e aos agradecimentos adiantado
> para sua ajuda!
>  -- consideração,
>  O Comitê Das Traduções de ICANN


Cher Tous :

J'espère qu'il se sentira capable aider dehors avec ce travail
important :)

Commencez le message expédié :

> De : Date De Paul Twomey : 27 Août 2007 06:52:57 BDT À : Objet
> D'" Icann-Staff@Icann.Org Icann-Staff@Icann.Org" : [ aide
> d'icann-personnel ] avec la traduction
>  Chers Collègues :
>  Car vous vous rappellerez, un email était demande envoyée pour des
> volontaires à vérifier et des traductions correctes des documents
> d'ICANN le 11 juillet. Tandis qu'un couple des volontaires faisait le
> pas en avant, nous sommes encore bien-courts des 5 contrôleurs par
> langue de la laquelle nous avons besoin, et il est essentiel que nous
> ayons au moins cinq bien avant la réunion de Los Angeles afin de
> satisfaire les demandes des documents multilingues que cette réunion
> imposera à nous.
>  En même temps, nous essayons de ne pas demander à des membres du
> personnel d'offrir pour ceci chargeons - car vous êtes tous
> entièrement occupé faisant votre travail non-traduction-connexe.
> Dans le meilleur des cas nous recherchons des membres de la
> communauté d'ICANN pour nous dépanner avec cette clef, le besoin
> pressant.
>  Ce serait de donc un grand secours si vous pourriez passer le long du
> texte de l'email ci-dessous - modifié si vous pensez qui est
> nécessaire - aux collèges électoraux avec lesquels chacun de vous
> travaille.
>  Beaucoup de mercis à l'avance de votre aide avec ce crucial
> chargent !
>  Paul T
>  Chers Collègues :
>  Comme vous le savez, ICANN travaille pour fournir plus d'accès à ses
> documents principaux en éditions non-Anglaises.
>  Ce que vous ne pouvez pas savoir est que chaque document traduit doit
> être vérifié avant qu'il soit fait publiquement par quelqu'un ou
> sur le personnel, ou dans la communauté d'ICANN, qui est à l'aise
> dans l'anglais et la langue du texte traduit, pour s'assurer que la
> qualité de la traduction est bonne, mais également que la
> terminologie et les expressions d'ICANN-specific sont correctement
> rendues dans le texte traduit.
>  L'augmentation du volume de documents traduits signifie que le groupe
> existant de contrôleurs de traduction n'est plus suffisant au
> charger.
>  Si nous pourrions obtenir les cinq contrôleurs additionnels dans les
> langues énumérées ci-dessous, par la rotation par la liste de
> contrôleurs nous pourrions nous assurer que le 'facteur de fatigue 'a
> été enlevé pour un bon tandis que - et augmente également la
> capacité du système aux traductions de dégagement d'une mode plus
> opportune.
>  Savez-vous n'importe qui qui serait heureux d'aider ? Parlez-vous
> n'importe laquelle de ces langues (à côté de l'anglais) avec la
> compétence suffisante pour vous offrir ?
>  Si la réponse à l'une ou l'autre de ces questions oui "veuillez
> être" envoyez un email à :, avec l'information
> suivante :
>  1) nom des langues du contrôleur 2) ils peuvent examiner 3)
> l'information de contact pour assurer la personne (un email address
> et, si possible, un numéro de téléphone trop)
>  Les langues que nous avons besoin sont :
>  Espagnol
> Chinois Russe Arabe Français Portugais Brésilien
>  Veuillez noter qu'aucune prétention ne devrait être faite
> que les langues énumérées ci-dessus représentent n'importe quoi
> davantage que des langues dans lesquelles a traduit des textes de
> quelques documents seront rendues disponibles de temps en temps, et
> pour ce que nous avons besoin de contrôleurs dans la période
> d'intérim tandis qu'une approche entreprise-large plus holistique au
> multilinguisme est développée de concert avec la communauté.
>  Il y aura un certain spécial 'remercient les yous au peuple qui
> aident avec ceci chargent le temps fini - mais les plus grands
> vous remercient seront de la communauté eux-mêmes. En raison de ces
> personnes principales, plus de personnespouvez participer au travail d'ICANN dans le monde entier, et une plus
> grande diversité des vues et d'une discussion plus riche sera eue par
> tous les dépositaires.
>  Nous espérons que vous passerez ceci le long aux contrôleurs
> potentiels appropriés et aux mercis à l'avance de votre aide !
>  -- respect,
>  Le Comité De Traductions d'ICANN

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Message: 2
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 18:21:57 +0100
From: Nick Ashton-Hart <>
Subject: [AFRI-Discuss] Fwd: [icann-staff] Assistance with translation
To: Asia-Pacific Discuss <>,
       Europe Discuss < >,  Africa Discuss
       <>, LAC Discuss
       < >,  NA Discuss
       <>,   At-Large Worldwide
       < >
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear All:

I hope that some of you will feel able to help out with this
important work :)

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Paul Twomey <>
> Date: 27 August 2007 06:52:57 BDT
> To: " Icann-Staff@Icann.Org Icann-Staff@Icann.Org" <icann-
> Subject: [icann-staff] Assistance with translation
> Dear Colleagues:
> As you will remember, an email was sent out requesting for
> volunteers to check and correct translations of ICANN documents on
> 11th July. Whilst a couple of volunteers did step forward, we are
> still well-short of the 5 checkers per language that we require,
> and it is essential that we have at least five well in advance of
> the Los Angeles meeting in order to meet the demands for
> multilingual documents which that meeting will impose on us.
> At the same time, we are trying not to ask members of the Staff to
> volunteer for this task - as you are all fully occupied doing your
> non-translation-related job. Ideally we are looking for members of
> the ICANN community to help us out with this key, urgent need.
> It would therefore be a great help if you could pass along the text
> of the email below - modified if you think that's needed - to the
> constituencies that each of you work with.
> Many thanks in advance for your help with this crucial task!
> Paul T
> ------
> Dear Colleagues:
> As you know, ICANN is working to provide more access to its key
> documents in non-English editions.
> What you may not know is that each translated document must be
> checked before it is made publicly by someone either on the staff,
> or in the ICANN community, who is fluent in both English and the
> language of the translated text, to ensure that the quality of the
> translation is good, but also that ICANN-specific terminology and
> phrases are correctly rendered in the translated text.
> The increase in volume of translated documents means that the
> existing pool of translation checkers is no longer sufficient to
> the task.
> If we could get an additional five checkers in the languages listed
> below, by rotating through the list of checkers we could ensure
> that the 'fatigue factor' was removed for a good while - and also
> increase the capacity of the system to release translations in a
> more timely fashion.
> Do you know anyone who would be happy to help? Do you speak any of
> these languages (alongside English) with sufficient skill to
> volunteer yourself?
> If the answer to either of those questions is "yes" please send an
> email to: , with the following information:
> 1) Name of the Checker
> 2) Languages they can check
> 3) Contact info for the person (an email address and, if possible,
> a phone number too)
> The languages we need are:
> Spanish
> Brazilian Portuguese
> French
> Arabic
> Russian
> Chinese
> Please note that no assumptions should be made that the above-
> listed languages represent anything more than languages in which
> translated texts of some documents will be made available from time
> to time, and for which we need checkers in the interim period
> whilst a more holistic enterprise-wide approach to multilingualism
> is developed in concert with the community.
> There will be some special 'thank yous' to the people who help with
> this task over time - but the biggest thank you will be from the
> community themselves. Because of these key people, more people will
> be able to participate in the work of ICANN throughout the world,
> and a greater diversity of views and a richer debate will be had by
> all stakeholders.
> We hope you will pass this along to suitable potential checkers and
> thanks in advance for your help!
> --
> Regards,
> The ICANN Translations Committee

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End of AFRI-Discuss Digest, Vol 10, Issue 16

