Hello All,


Just want to let you know that Judith and Beran have volunteered to help draft a Statement on this public comment.


Thank you for your collaboration.





From: Ariel Liang <ariel.liang@icann.org>
Date: Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 2:48 PM
To: "sebastien@bachollet.com" <sebastien@bachollet.com>, Yrjö Länsipuro <yrjo_lansipuro@hotmail.com>, Bastiaan Goslings <bastiaan.goslings@ams-ix.net>
Cc: Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg@mcgill.ca>
Subject: Draft Statement: Enhancing Accountability - Recommendations for Diversity


Hello Sebastien, Yrjo, and Bastiaan,


During the ALT Call today, the public comment on the Enhancing Accountability - Recommendations for Diversity has been discussed.


Sebastian and Yrjo, please be so kind to collaborate on the drafting of the statement. Bastiaan has volunteered to do a ‘sanity check’ after the draft is done.


Please note that the public comment will close on 15 Dec. It is recommended that you complete the first draft by 29 Nov, so that it leaves one week for the community to comment, and the ALAC to ratify the statement before the public comment deadline.  


Once ready, please post the first draft on the wiki here: https://community.icann.org/x/Z5tEB


Thank you,

Ariel Liang


Ariel Xinyue Liang

Policy Analyst | Washington, DC 

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)