Dear all,

Being abroad with a full booked Wednesday evening, I would like to apologize for not being able to attend:

Executive Director
Mediterranean Federation of Internet Associations (FMAI)
Phone: +216 98 330 114
            +216 52 385 114

Le 5 févr. 2019 à 19:16, ICANN At-Large Staff <> a écrit :

Dear all,
Further to the Doodle poll, the next At-Large Review Implementation Working Group (ARIWG) Call will be held on Wednesday, 06 February 2019 at 17:00 UTC for 60mins. 


Spanish and French interpretations will be provided.
For other times:
The agenda (to be updated) and call details can be found at:
**Please review the new At-Large Review Implementation Plan Development space, with dashboards and progress charts for each of the 8 issues. Link listed below.
Conference ID:
EN: 3535
ES: 1738
FR: 1838
Toll-free access number (US and Canada): 800 550 6865
Other toll-free numbers:
If you require a dial-out please contact At-Large staff at with your preferred number.


Thank you.
Kind regards,


At-Large Staff 
ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community
Twitter: @ICANNAtLarge



From: ICANN At-Large Staff <>
Date: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 at 3:30 PM
To: "" <>
Cc: ICANN At-Large Staff <>
Subject: NEW DOODLE: At-Large Review Implementation Working Group Call


Dear All,
Please complete the Doodle poll to schedule the At-Large Review Implementation Working Group Call for the week of 04 February 2019.


I have enabled the time zone so that it can be changed to your zone.
This doodle will close on Friday, 01 February 2019.
Thank you.
Kind Regards,
Yeşim Nazlar


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