I fully support the nomination of Bram Fudzulani. I have known Bram since ICANN 49. We have been on many working groups within ICANN and Internet Governance communities.
He is very professional, hardworking and result oriented person. He is currently the President of Malawi IT Association.

I respectively encourage support for him.

President & CEO
Africa Open Data and Internet Research Foundation
P.O. Box CT 2439, Cantonments, Accra | www.aodirf.org
Tel: +233 20 812 8851
Skype: wisdom_dk | Facebook: kwasi wisdom |  Twitter: @wisdom_dk 
E-government Network Infrastructure and E-application, Internet Governance,  Open Data policies platforms & Community Development, Cyber Security,  Domain Name Systems, Software Engineering, Event Planning & Management, 
UN IGF Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group
UN BPF on Policy Option for Connecting and Enabling the Next Billion (CENB)
UN BPF on Gender and Access
UN IGF National Regional Initiatives
UN BPF on IOT, Big Data and AI
Fellow: Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, NCSG, NCUC, AFRALO
National SDG Data Roadmaps Advisory Committee, Ghana  
ICANN, Internet Society, Freedom Online Coalition, Diplo Foundation,
Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition
Ghana Open Government Partnership (OGP) Advisory Committee 
World Bank Open Data Working Team,
Africa Open Data Collaborative 
Ghana Energy Commission Data Task-force 
Linux Accra Users Group

On Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 10:13 PM Bram Fudzulani <beatblam@hotmail.com> wrote:
Dear all,
I would like to self nominate for the above position, I am currently an active member of the AFRALO family and AFRALO lead to the Work Track 5 on Geographic Names at the Top Level WG, I am also a member of the O&E WG as well as AFRALO Representative to the social media WG.

I believe that if selected I can contribute to the continued growth of the AFRALO and advocate for more engagement in the policy development within ICANN. 

Thank you 


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