Dear All,
The ALAC and RALO Members of the Finance and Budget Sub-Committee (FBSC) have now been identified. They have been noted in bold on the FBSC Workspace (see:[] ).
Under the request of Alan Greenberg, Chair of the ALAC and ALAC Finance and Budget Sub-Committee (FBSC[]), staff are now issuing a call for non-voting Participants.  
The tasks of the FBSC include but are not limited to:
- Coordination of the annual additional Budget Requests from the ALAC and the RALOs that will be filed to go into the yearly ICANN budget
- Drafting of any Statement regarding the ICANN Budget Process
- Drafting of any Statement regarding the ICANN Strategic Process
- Drafting of any Statement regarding ICANN's Operating plan
- Issues involving Constituency Travel Budgets
Participants will have all the rights of a Member of the FBSC unless a vote is called for. The work of the FBSC will work by consensus whenever possible.

All current Participants should re-confirm your interest in remaining on the FBSC as a Participant by informing At-Large Staff by 2  January, 2017.


If you are interested in becoming a new Participant, please inform At-Large staff by 2 January, 2017.

Kind Regards,


Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine, Terri Agnew and Yeºim Nazlar

ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community




Twitter: @ICANNAtLarge
