May 2023





Join the Next ICANN CEO Search Listening Session


CEO Search[]

The ICANN Board has formed the CEO Search Committee [] to compile a list of candidates to be ICANN's next President and CEO. The committee is tasked with creating a candidate profile, which will be published before ICANN77 [] in June and presented during the meeting.


To gather input from the ICANN community and the broader Internet ecosystem, the Search Committee has scheduled a series of Board Listening Sessions. The next community Listening Session will be held via Zoom on 16 May at 14:00–15:30 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


Visit the Search Committee webpage [] for more information.






Global Internet Community Comes Together for the First UA Day


The global Internet community recently came together for the first-ever UA Day [] to mobilize key stakeholders around Universal Acceptance (UA).


More than 50 events took place on and around 28 March in more than 40 different countries. UA Day events consisted of awareness and technical training sessions aimed at helping top technical and language communities, governments, and domain name industry stakeholders to better understand the benefits of UA and how to make their

systems UA-ready.


UA ensures that all valid domain names and email addresses, regardless of script, language, or character length, can be used equally by all Internet-enabled applications, devices, and systems.


UA Day Photo Collage


Visit ICANN’s Flickr page [] for more photos from UA Day.



An Update from the 2023 Nominating Committee


ICANN NomCom Lockup[]

By Vanda Scartezini, 2023 NomCom Chair


I am pleased to report that the 2023 Nominating Committee (NomCom) has received an unprecedented 155 completed applications for this year’s open ICANN leadership positions. The application period closed on 30 March.


Out of 155 applicants:

·     39 percent are from Africa.

·     25 percent are from Asia, Australia, or the Pacific Islands.

·     9 percent are from Europe.

·     15 percent are from Latin America or the Caribbean.

·     12 percent are from North America.

·     27 percent are female, 59 percent are male, and 14 percent did not disclose.


For details on the open positions and the next steps, read my blog [].



Register Now for ICANN77


Registration is now open for the ICANN77 Policy Forum [], which will be held 12–15 June both virtually and in- person in Washington, D.C.


The online-only ICANN77 Prep Week will take place from 30 May to 1 June. Visit the ICANN77 webpage [] to view the Prep Week schedule.









Register for the Asia Pacific Domain Name System Forum 2023


APAC DNS Forum[]

Regional Domain Name System (DNS) experts and stakeholders will meet to discuss the digital outlook for the Asia Pacific (APAC) region, cybersecurity, the future of the DNS, and emerging technologies at the APAC DNS Forum 2023 on 4–5 July.


Hosted by ICANN and the Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation, the hybrid event will take place in Hong Kong, China, and online.


The sessions will be conducted in English during working hours in Hong Kong (UTC+8).


To register and for more information, visit the APAC DNS Forum website [].



Apply for the Asia Pacific Internet Governance Academy 2023



Are you between the ages of 18 and 35, from the APAC region, and interested in Internet governance? Then consider applying for the Asia Pacific Internet Governance Academy (APIGA) 2023.


APIGA is a five-day capacity-development program focused on Internet governance (IG) for young people in the APAC region. Participants will build a strong foundation in IG fundamentals.


APIGA 2023 will take place 24–28 July in Seoul, Republic of Korea. It is hosted by ICANN and the Korea Internet and Security Agency. The application deadline is 24 May at 23:59 Korea Standard Time (UTC+9).  


For details and to apply, visit the APIGA 2023 website [].



ICANN Partners with ITU on Girls in ICT Day Thailand 2023


Girls in ICT Day[]

ICANN has partnered up with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) on its Girls in ICT Day Thailand 2023 [] program. The program, which runs through July, aims to encourage girls and young women to study science, technology, engineering, and math, and to raise awareness of the meaningful and safe use of information and communications technology (ICT).


As part of the program, ICANN’s Internationalized Domain Names Senior Program Manager Pitinan Kooarmornpatana participated in a panel discussion titled “Talking Tech with U.N. and International Organizations” on 27 April. She talked about ICANN’s commitment to bridging the digital gender divide.


In addition, the ITU and ICANN are exploring opportunities to conduct workshops in May and June, under the program’s “Digital Skills” track.






Pavel Farhan

APRALO Individual Member


Pavel Farhan

A member of the At-Large community, Pavel Farhan is eager to make valuable contributions to ICANN through the Asian, Australasian, and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organization (APRALO).


Farhan's involvement with ICANN began with participating in the NextGen@ICANN program at ICANN68. His enthusiasm to engage with ICANN community members led him to be selected as an ICANN fellow for ICANN73 and ICANN75. Farhan's passion for ICT for development (ICT4D) drives him to strive for equal access to the Internet for minority groups. He has been an active member of the IG community, promoting an inclusive Internet and emphasizing the importance of youth participation in the multistakeholder process.

Currently, Farhan works as a Program Officer at the Internet Education and Research Lab at the Thailand-based Asian Institute of Technology. He is also a NetMission Ambassador, NetMission Advisory Board member, and Youth Internet Governance Forum member.








ccNSO Welcomes First IDN ccTLD Manager as Member



Last month, the National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (NTRA) of Egypt officially joined the Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO) as a member. The NTRA is the first manager of an Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) country code top-level domain (ccTLD) to join the ccNSO since its creation 20 years ago. 


This milestone reflects the growing importance of IDN ccTLDs and the increasing recognition of their role in enabling linguistic and cultural diversity on the Internet. From starting the discussion of IDN ccTLDs in 2006, to the launch of the Fast Track Process in 2009, and finally to the ICANN Bylaws Amendments in 2022, the ccTLD community has worked hard to enable IDN ccTLD managers to join the ccNSO.


Membership in the ccNSO is open to any ccTLD manager. A ccTLD manager is the organization or entity that is responsible for managing a ccTLD and is listed in the IANA Root Zone Database []. The ccNSO now has 174 members.



Public Comment: EPDP-IDNs Phase 1 Initial Report


Public Comment[]

The Phase 1 Initial Report [] on the Internationalized Domain Names Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP-IDNs) is available for Public Comment [] until 5 June.


The EPDP-IDNs Team is seeking input on its 68 preliminary recommendations on the definition of IDN generic top-level domains (gTLDs) and the management of IDN variants at the top-level. The EPDP Team will hold a webinar [] on 17 May at 11:00–12:30 UTC to review the key recommendations and facilitate participation in the Public Comment proceeding.


The EPDP-IDNs Team’s efforts build on the existing work on IDNs, specifically the recommendations of the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process (PDP). The EPDP-IDNs Team aims to fill the gaps not addressed by the PDP, such as how to allow for variant gTLD applications in future rounds of new gTLDs.






Next Round of New gTLDs:

Forming the Implementation Review Team


SubPro IRT

By Lars Hoffmann, Senior Director, Policy Research and Stakeholder Programs


ICANN is in the process of forming the Implementation Review Team (IRT) to support the implementation of policy recommendations for future rounds of new gTLDs.


During ICANN76, the ICANN Board directed [] the ICANN organization to produce a comprehensive Implementation Plan by 1 August 2023. The plan will contain information on infrastructure development, timelines, and the anticipated resource requirements to open the next round of new gTLD applications. 


Having consulted [] with the Generic Names Supporting Organization Council at ICANN76, ICANN is piloting an "Open + Representative model" for the upcoming IRT. This model will provide a structure that allows for the efficient resolution of issues that may arise.


For more information about the IRT, read my blog [] and this announcement [].








ICANN Around the World


Regional Offices:

Los Angeles, U.S.A. (Headquarters)

Brussels, Belgium

Istanbul, Turkey

Montevideo, Uruguay



Engagement Centers:

Beijing, China

Geneva, Switzerland

Nairobi, Kenya

Washington, D.C., U.S.A.


For address and contact information, visit: []