Thanks again, Rajnesh.

Perhaps we need to re-word the question to something like  "Are you currently a member of any organization that is a certified At-Large Structure (ALS) affiliated to APRALO? The current list of APRALO ALS are available at <link>."


On Sat, Dec 2, 2017 at 6:39 PM, Rajnesh Singh <> wrote:
Hi Evin,

I may be being a bit pedantic here, but your question to Buddha is not phrased correctly.
You ask:
Are you currently a member of an ISOC or At-Large Structure (ALS)?”

ISOC is not an ALS. Individual ISOC chapters in their own right (and only some, not all) are.


On Mon, 27 Nov 2017 at 10:50 pm, Evin Erdogdu <> wrote:

Dear All,


Please see below. Buddha Halder does not qualify for APRALO Individual Membership at this time.


Thank you,



From: Evin Erdogdu <>
Date: Monday, November 27, 2017 at 5:47 PM
To: Buddha Halder <>
Cc: ICANN At-Large Staff <>
Subject: Re: [Ext] Re: Please Confirm Membership Status


Dear Buddha,


Thank you for informing us. Unfortunately, this disqualifies you from APRALO Individual Membership.


If you become unaffiliated with the ALS in the future, please feel free to re-apply for individual membership.


In the meantime, we look forward to engaging you further within APRALO.


Kind Regards,



From: Buddha Halder <>
Date: Monday, November 27, 2017 at 5:07 PM
To: Evin Erdogdu <>
Cc: ICANN At-Large Staff <>
Subject: [Ext] Re: Please Confirm Membership Status



I am an ISOC member. 



Sent from my iPhone

On 27-Nov-2017, at 7:23 PM, Evin Erdogdu <> wrote:

Dear Buddha,


Thanks again for your interest in applying as an Individual Member of APRALO. We need confirmation from you on one item before proceeding with your confirmation:


Are you currently a member of an ISOC or At-Large Structure (ALS)?


Only Individuals without ALS affiliation are allowed to apply as Individual Members. Please let us know as soon as possible.


Thank you!


Evin Ashley Erdoğdu

AC/SO and Policy Support
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)



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