Thursday, 20 April 2023


ICANN Community Digest



The ICANN org Policy Development Support function publishes this twice-weekly digest

to help ICANN community leaders track requests and follow updates.



Do you have any ideas for improving the ICANN Community Digest? Write to us at!


Table of Contents



·     🔥 Design and Translation Deadlines 🔥

·     ICANN77 Registration NOW OPEN

Information Sharing

·     NEW: ICANN Publishes Bylaws Amendments and Documents to Implement the NomCom2 Review

·     NEW: ICANN Publishes the Proposed for Adoption FY24 Plans for Board Consideration

·     WEBINAR: Join the Second Iteration of ICANN for Beginners: An Introduction Webinar

·     🔥 ACTION ITEM: ICANN Calls for Volunteers for the New gTLD Program Next Round Implementation Review Team

·     🔥 ACTION ITEM: SOs/ACs to provide feedback on Fellowship Program outreach and promotion goals

·     WEBINAR: Update From the ICANN Board’s CEO Search Committee

·     🔥 ACTION ITEM: Sign up for Strategic Outlook Identification Sessions

·     REMINDER: Calling for NextGen@ICANN Applications for ICANN78

Public Comment 

·     NEW: Bylaws Amendments and Documents to Implement the NomCom2 Review

·     Initial Report on the RZERC Charter Review

·     Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET






Starting with ICANN77, we have a change to our typical pre-meeting routine: we are not printing any materials; we are only going to be designing and translating meeting collateral.


🔥 27 April 2023 | DESIGN DEADLINE:


If you require design assistance for your publication, you need to provide all the text, images, layout, and publication type/size requirements (i.e. newsletter vs. 1-pager vs. trifold, etc.). You will receive a maximum of 2 iterations of the publication. Please provide everything by 27 April. Please keep in mind that all materials, new or updated, need to be evergreen.




If your publication requires translation, please provide the final material(s) by 11 MAY. This ensures that there is enough time to translate the publication by the start of the meeting, with the possibility of potential changes to said translations. If your materials require design assistance (outlined above), please note that the final materials will have to be complete, including the edit/approval process, by this deadline to be translated.


All content/requests can be sent to



ICANN77 Registration NOW OPEN


Registration is now open for the ICANN77 Policy Forum, which will be held both virtually and in-person from 12-15 June 2023 in Washington, D.C. In-person registration closes 7 June 2023, while virtual registration closes 15 June 2023.


ICANN77 Website. []


Information Sharing


NEW: ICANN Publishes Bylaws Amendments and Documents to Implement the NomCom2 Review


Certain recommendations from the second Organizational Review of the Nominating Committee (NomCom2 Review) require amendments to the ICANN Bylaws and the creation of a NomCom Standing Committee. The ICANN Board grouped the amendments with a proposed Standing Committee Charter and a proposed statement defining "Unaffiliated" Directors for efficiency and the ease of community understanding.


Read more. []



NEW: ICANN Publishes the Proposed for Adoption FY24 Plans for Board Consideration


ICANN published [] the Proposed for Adoption ICANN FY24–28 Operating and Financial Plan and the ICANN FY24 Operating Plan and Budget, which the Board will consider for adoption at the end of April.


Read more. []



WEBINAR: Join the Second Iteration of ICANN for Beginners: An Introduction Webinar


The webinar is tailored to those new to ICANN and will give a high-level overview of how the Internet works, what ICANN is, what its role in the Internet infrastructure is, and why and how participants get involved in ICANN.


"ICANN for Beginners: An Introduction" will be held during two time slots (You only need to register for one of the webinars.):

·     25 April 2023 at 1400 UTC

·     Click here [] to register.

·     26 April 2023 at 0600 UTC

·     Click here [] to register.

Closing date for registration: 24 April 2023. The webinars are in English only. Recordings will be posted here [] after the webinars.


Read more. []



🔥 ACTION ITEM: ICANN Calls for Volunteers for the New gTLD Program Next Round Implementation Review Team


ICANN org is seeking volunteer participants for the Implementation Review Team (IRT) to assist in the implementation of the policy recommendations in the New Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process Final Report.


ICANN org plans for the first IRT meeting to take place no later than the week of 14 May 2023.


To join the IRT as a participant or observer, please complete this form. Alternatively, if you are not able to access the form, please send an email to


Read more. []



🔥 ACTION ITEM: SOs/ACs to provide feedback on Fellowship Program outreach and promotion goals


SOs/ACs are asked to contribute to the Fellowship Program's strategy for outreach and promotion by providing feedback on suggested diversity targets for the Fellowship Program. Interested community groups should complete this form [] and send it via email to Groups should aim to return the forms by 15 May 2023.


The ICANN organization regularly updates its strategy for targeted outreach and promotion for the Fellowship Program. SOs/ACs are being asked to provide guidance on diversity goals for the program. These may include, but are not limited to, skills and experience, stakeholder group affiliation, region, gender, and language. ICANN org will use this list of goals to inform the program’s outreach and promotion strategy. Input is welcome on any specific local, regional, or global events where promoting the Fellowship Program would help identify strong candidates. These goals will be revised by the SOs/ACs every two years.



WEBINAR: Update From the ICANN Board’s CEO Search Committee


To gather input from the ICANN Community and the broader Internet ecosystem, the Search Committee has planned a series of Board Listening Sessions, the first of which took place last month during ICANN76. We have scheduled the next Listening Session with the Community on 16 May at 14:00–15:30 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) via Zoom. Please visit the Search Committee page [] for more information and to register.


You may also share your views with the Search Committee at any time by emailing us at


Read more. []



🔥 ACTION ITEM: Sign up for Strategic Outlook Identification Sessions


ICANN’s FY25 Planning Process has started, beginning with the strategic outlook program. We

are looking for participation from community members in the trend identification sessions

through their Supporting Organization (SO) or Advisory Committee (AC). ICANN will collaborate

with SO and AC chairs and support teams to schedule sessions from March through May 2023.


This program is a joint effort of the ICANN ecosystem to identify and track trends that are

related to ICANN. This ensures that the opportunities and challenges are incorporated into

current and future planning.


Once trends are identified, ICANN will conduct a trend analysis and

impact assessment. Significant shifts could result in adjustments to the strategic plan.

Moreover, new trends or shifts in existing trends also impact the operating plans (five-year or

annual) and/or budget, and are factored into the annual iteration of those plans as appropriate.


All strategic outlook sessions will be conducted virtually, and community members are

encouraged to join this important discussion. We look forward to your participation in this

dialogue about ICANN planning and strategy.


Thank you for your support in the ICANN planning process.



REMINDER: Calling for NextGen@ICANN Applications for ICANN78


ICANN is calling for applications [] for the NextGen@ICANN Program [] for the ICANN78 Annual General Meeting.

ICANN wants to hear from university students living and studying in the European region who are interested in the future of the Internet and in participating in the ICANN78 Annual General Meeting. ICANN78 is scheduled to be held in Hamburg, Germany from 21–26 October 2023. 


The NextGen@ICANN Program application window will remain open until 19 June 2023.


Read more. []


Public Comment


NEW: Bylaws Amendments and Documents to Implement the NomCom2 Review []

Open for submissions date: 17 April 2023

Closed for submissions date: 29 May 2023



Initial Report on the RZERC Charter Review []

Open for submissions date: 27 March 2023

Closed for submissions date: 08 May 2023 



Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET []

Open for submissions date: 13 April 2023

Closed for submissions date: 25 May 2023




Volume 5, Issue 29 | Archive [] | Next Issue: Monday, 24 April 2023

STAY INFORMED: Subscribe here []