Sharing for those who would be interested



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Eleonora Mazzucchi <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2024 at 19:24
Subject: [IGF Communications Ambassadors] Hiring a PNAI Consultant
To: IGF Secretariat <>

Dear Communications Ambassadors,


The IGF has a job vacancy open for a consultant to support the 2024 Policy Network on Artificial Intelligence (PNAI), with a deadline of Monday 5 February 2024. If you or anyone you know is interested and qualified, please do direct them to this job announcement.


As always, we would be grateful if you would circulate the announcement widely through your professional and social networks. Your support is much appreciated!


A flyer and draft tweet below are provided in case useful.


Many warm thanks,




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Are you or someone you know interested in supporting IGF work on #ArtificialIntelligence? Now is the time to apply!

The Secretariat have a vacancy for the IGF Policy Network on AI - PNAI - open until Monday 5 February 2024

Apply Here!