Dear Colleagues,


Please note the following which may be of interest to your organisation.






From: Rajnesh D. Singh []
Sent: Saturday, 12 April 2008 4:41 AM
To: AP
Subject: Open Forum Invitation: in preparation for OECD Ministerial meeting on the Future of the Internet, Jun 16, Seoul, Korea
Importance: High


Dear colleague,


We are pleased to confirm that the Internet Technical Community (ITC) will be hosting an open Forum on the 16th June, in Seoul, Korea. We would be honored if members from your organization attended this event.


The Internet technical community has been actively engaged in the preparation of the next OECD ministerial conference that will be held from the 17th to the 19th June in Korea. Acting as a liaison between the OECD Secretary General and the Internet Technical Community, the Internet Society (ISOC) has been coordinating the ITC’s participation in the OECD ICCP meetings over the last year.


This forum is designed to be a direct contribution to the ministers’ work within three areas: Creativity, Confidence and Convergence. This will be a great opportunity for the Internet Technical Community and OECD member states’ delegates to share experiences and exchange perspectives on the “Future of the Internet Economy”. Deadline for registration is 31 May 2008.


An agenda for the ITC open Forum is available online here:


Background on the OECD Ministerial meeting is available here: (PDF)


We look forward seeing you in Seoul!


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further information.




Best regards,


Rajnesh D. Singh

Regional Manager, Bureau for South and Southeast Asia

Internet Society (ISOC)



Constance Bommelaer

Senior Manager of Public Policy

Internet Society (ISOC)