Real Time Transcribing (RTT) will be provided on this call in English. If you do not have the bandwidth to join the call, the live transcribing streaming is available via this link:



If you require a dial-out please contact At-Large staff at with your preferred number.

Please remember that it is now possible to connect your audio via the AC room, without using your telephone. You need a stable internet connection. If you would like a reminder of how to connect please let staff know.



Dear all,


On behalf of the EURALO Chair, Olivier Crépin-Leblond, we would like to invite you to join the “EURALO GDPR Webinar” will be held on Monday, 19 February 2018 from 19:00 - 20:30 UTC.


This Webinar will offer you the opportunity to increase the understanding of practical *implementation* of GDPR both from a Registrar, a Registry and a Registrant perspective. We are confident that you will find this Webinar very informative as many of our EURALO ALS  are membership organisations with various levels of databases that include personal information of European Citizens.


Note that the GDPR regulation was passed on 14 April 2016 with the enforcement date of 25 May 2018. See: countdown clock to GDPR enforcement at


The Webinar’s panellists are :


Moderator: Olivier Crépin-Leblond


The agenda and call details are available at:


Adobe Connect Room:


Conference ID:

English: 1638


Dial-in numbers:


If you require a dial-out please contact At-Large staff at:


Please mark your calendar and join us!



Thank you.

Kind Regards,



ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community
Twitter: @ICANNAtLarge



Note: There have already been several Webinars within the At-Large Community and at ICANN, including ICANN-wide Webinars as well as one arranged by the Business Constituency. These were very interesting indeed, although mostly focussing on the regulation itself and the more immediate questions facing ICANN as a whole. For previous Webinars information see below.

Previous Webinars:


2018 At-Large Capacity Building Webinar

24 January 2018

"Data Protection: What do you need to know as End-Users about GDPR”

Speakers: Thomas Rickert Chuck Gomes


Conversation on Access to WHOIS and Compliance with EU's GDPR and ICANN Contracts held on 24 January 2018 

ICANN's Business Constituency (BC) and Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC) co-hosted an event to discuss the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and its implications on access to the WHOIS database. ICANN's CEO and General Counsel joined the discussion, as did stakeholders from across the ICANN community.