Dear APRALO Members,

Happy New Year!

We Hope to see you at the APRALO Jan Monthly call tomorrow 18 Jan at 6 UTC.

The Agenda for tomorrows call is as follows:

1. Roll call & General Housekeeping by Staff (3 mins)
2. Welcome and agenda sharing - Amrita Choudhury, APRALO Chair (3 mins)
3. Learn about the ICANN Grants Program - Giovanni Seppia, VP Implementation Operations ( 20 mins)

4. Brief update from the various working groups and what is being discussed and what is important for APRALO (25 mins)
                     OFB WG 5mins Ali/ Shah
                     CPWG - 5 mins  - Satish Babu
                     ROP WG 5mins - Cheryl Landon Orr
                      APRALO Policy Forum 5 mins - Shah Rahman / Justine Chew
                     NomCom - 2mins  Maureen Hilyard  
                     CCIP-CCG -3mins Amrita

   5. AOB 5 mins
Joining Link: Password: APRA18JAN*

APRALO Jan Call Invite.png