Dear Community Members,


Thank you to those of you who were able to attend Community Webinar #1 - FY19 Planning Overview of Documents for Public Comment. The link to the recorded session and slides can be found on the Community Wiki.


The details for the second webinar, which will cover the same content, are below.


Webinar #2

26 January 2018

16:30 UTC (08:30 PST, 11:30 EST)

Remote Participation:


* Please note that the link to the sessions that was previously posted on the community wiki page was incorrect, but has now been corrected.


Please email us your questions at Thank you again for your participation.



Jessica Castillo

Operations & Project Coordinator

ICANN | Human Resources & Finance Departments

P: (310) 301-3897 (Direct) | M: (424) 316-9545

E: |[]

12025 Waterfront Drive, Ste 300, Los Angeles, CA 90094


From: Planning
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2018 2:15 PM
Subject: Community Webinars - FY19 Planning Overview of Documents for Public Comment


Dear ICANN Community,


The Draft ICANN Operating Plan and Budget documents have been posted for public comment as of 19 January 2018. ICANN’s Planning Team would like to invite you to attend a webinar on the FY19 Planning Overview of Documents for Public Comment to help you prepare to submit feedback on these documents. We will hold two webinars that will cover:



Below are the details for the two sessions with iCAL appointments attached. If you are unable to participate in one of these sessions, they will be recorded and posted to the community wiki for future viewing. We look forward to your participation and invite you to share this information with other community members interested in ICANN’s FY19 Planning.


Webinar #1

26 January 2018

00:30 UTC

Remote Participation:


Webinar #2

26 January 2018

16:30 UTC

Remote Participation:


Community Wiki

Link to Recordings (Once they become available.)[]


Public Comment Proceeding[] 


(On behalf of the Planning Team – Becky Nash, Leo Vegoda, Jessica Castillo, Kirsten Wattson)


Jessica Castillo

Operations & Project Coordinator

ICANN | Human Resources & Finance Departments

P: (310) 301-3897 (Direct) | M: (424) 316-9545

E: |[]

12025 Waterfront Drive, Ste 300, Los Angeles, CA 90094


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