Please find below my request for input on the criteria for the selection of the next ICANN CEO. 

The RALO leadership is requested to gather input from the regional community to feed into discussions in Buenos Aires.

Please review the forwarded message and do note a key consideration in your discussions: 

> Think about the stage of development of ICANN as an organization and the kind of CEO that would be suited for that and the next stage.
> There are CEOs that are suitable for the start-up phase, growth and expansion, consolidation and stabilization, etc. 
> The context of ICANN's stage of development and the desired next phase will serve as a frame for the CEO criteria.
> Best regards,
> Rinalia
> On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 10:29 AM, Rinalia Abdul Rahim <> wrote:
>> Dear ALAC and RALO Chairs,
>> I am very much looking forward to seeing you and other At-Large community members again at the upcoming ICANN meeting in Buenos Aires. 
>> Important Topic Alert
>> The Board is interested in your input to help us refine the selection criteria for the next ICANN CEO.
>> - On Sunday June 21st, there will be an ALAC/At-Large session with me, which will focus on the CEO Search and Criteria.   
>> - On Thursday June 25th, there will be a Board Session on the CEO Succession Process right before the Public Forum where your input would be invaluable.
>> Key Questions:
>> What characteristics and skills would you like to see in the future ICANN CEO?
>> As no one person will meet all the desired criteria, which criteria are most important? 
>> What distribution of characteristics and skills would you like to see?
>> I request that members of the ALAC and the At-Large spare some time thinking about and discussing this important topic.  If RALO Chairs could facilitate discussions at the regional level leading up to Buenos Aires, that would be extremely helpful to feed into the discussions in Buenos Aires.
>> As a reference and trigger for your thoughts and discussion, below is the CEO Profile from the 2011 CEO Search materials.
>> I look forward to your input.
>> Best regards,
>> Rinalia
>> CEO Profile [from CEO Search in 2011]
>> Candidates will be expected to demonstrate to the highest degree possible the following experience and skills. These have been grouped under 4 headings that embody the multi-faceted nature of the role:
>> Professional
>> § Solid record of either/or public, corporate, academic service, at a high international level
>> § Global exposure: experience of working in different countries or with different cultures
>> § Experience in managing process work flows and ability to anticipate issues
>> § Close familiarity with the ways in which civil society, business sector interests and regulatory authorities interact
>> § Success in managing ICANN’s evolution as an organization, complex issues and programs, and key contracts
>> § Track record of achieving results, not just ‘being there’
>> § Previous association with highly respected organizations
>> § Leadership of dispersed international teams and active multi-stakeholders that provide policy input
>> Personal
>> § Consensus builder and catalyst, a motivator and persuader
>> § Intellectually engaging, contributes to ‘thought leadership’ in helping define vision and strategy, and leverages the organization’s competencies
>> § Combines weight of personality with empathy towards others of many different backgrounds
>> § Practiced at exercising influence in non-hierarchical relationships
>> § Earns respect and generates trust in him/herself and the organization
>> § Multicultural with language skills, practiced communicator and public speaker
>> § Aligns with ICANN's values: integrity, trust, humility, technical excellence and public service
>> § Able negotiator, without making enemies, can represent ICANN and can present it well
>> § Strong affinity with the Internet (but not just a “cheerleader”), conscious of its role and complexity, fully embraces ICANN’s mission and its bottom-up process
>> § Embodies and practices the multi-stakeholder approach and welcomes significant volunteer involvement
>> Technical
>> § Internet architecture knowledge : understanding of the global Internet’s systems of unique identifiers, including domain names, protocol parameters and addresses
>> § Institutional knowledge : familiarity with the functioning of registries and registrars, ICANN’s policy development procedures and user categories
>> § Understanding of the domain names market structure and dynamics, including competition issues
>> The Internet Governance Ecosystem
>> § Institutions: understand the environment of those involved in the Internet and its administrative governance systems, notably IETF, ISOC, W3C, and other standard bodies (ETSI, ITU, ISO, Unicode)
>> § International awareness: know the government stakeholders in Internet governance and how to interact with them
>> § Knowledge of the UN system and other international organizations and processes
>> § Ability to function and generate trust with all actors through operational excellence and respect for input from the multistakeholder base
>> END