Fourth APRALO Policy Forum Fireside Chat: "Let’s Talk About Internet Fragmentation”


Thursday, 07 December 2023 at 06:00 UTC



Zoom Registration:


English only


If you have any, please let us have your questions on this topic in advance.  You can submit them by emailing staff or posting them as comments here:


Otherwise, just come along and ask your questions during the event.

Dear All,

You are invited to participate the fourth APRALO Policy Forum Fireside Chat: "Let's Talk About Internet Fragmentation" on Thursday, 07 December 2023 at 06:00 UTC for 60 minutes, where Justine Chew, APRALO Policy Forum, will be chatting with her guest, Jia-Rong Low, ICANN Vice President, Stakeholder Engagement and Managing Director - Asia PacificJoin us to learn about how Internet Fragmentation impacts us as Internet end-users, and share your points of view on this topic with us then. 


Internet Fragmentation continues to be a significant concern within Internet Governance spaces and a hot topic of discourse around the world.  In Oct 2023, the Internet Governance community turned up in force in Japan for IGF 2023 Kyoto hosted by the United Nations, to discuss the topic through one of 8 themes: "Avoiding Internet Fragmentation."  

Digwatch, wrote in its report on IGF 2023, that, "Internet fragmentation would pose significant challenges to the global and interconnected nature of the internet. It would hinder communication, stifle innovation, and undermine the intended functioning of the internet", citing geopolitical tensions, misinformation, and digital protectionism as escalating threats pressuring the reshaping internet governance, potentially compromising the openness of the Internet.

  • What does Internet Fragmentation mean and how does it impact individual end-users?
  • What are some of the dimensions of fragmentation and who are some of the key infrastructural players in those dimensions?
  • What role does ICANN have or wish to have, as a multi-stakeholder model, in addressing Internet Fragmentation risks, given its "One World, One Internet" goal, and how can the At-Large Community support ICANN's endeavour?

ZOOM Registration: (you MUST register to join!) 

*** After registering, you will receive a confirmation e-mail containing information about joining the meeting.***

And if you have any, please let us have your questions for our guest speaker on this topic ahead of the chat, you can submit them by emailing staff or posting them as comments here: Otherwise, just come along and ask your questions during the event.
Agenda and joining details:

APRALO Fireside Chats Wiki page:

APRALO Policy Forum Wiki page:

If you require a dial-out please contact At-Large staff at with your preferred number.


Thank you.

Kind Regards,


At-Large Staff

ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community



Twitter: @ICANNAtLarge
