Dear all,

As we have not received any objections to the Consensus Call within the deadline, I confirm the following resolution:

"APRALO does not support any addition of applicants by petition onto the Final Slate of Candidates."

Thank you for your time,


On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 7:56 AM, Satish Babu <> wrote:
Dear APRALO Community,

You may have seen the message from BMSPC intimating the outcome of EURALO's petition process, on the matter of a petition candidate for the ongoing Board Member selection process.

​We​ are now consulting the APRALO Community to resolve our ​regional position on this matter through a Consensus Call, as is our practice for key decisions, wherever possible.

The APRALO Leadership Team, after discussions, has agreed upon the following:
  1. We have every good faith and belief that the BCEC has acted to the best of its ability without bias, favour, or external influence, in identifying a slate of candidates.
  2. We believe that the BCEC process considered the case of every applicant who had applied, and made a decision considering all relevant factors while identifying the slate consisting of, in the opinion the BCEC, the two top-ranking applications for further consideration.
For public information on the BCEC and its work, please view:

​If there is consensus within the community on both points above​, APRALO will not support the Petition.

Kindly let us know, by reply e-mail to this list, if you have any significant objections to us Resolving that 'APRALO does not support any addition of applicants by petition onto the Final Slate of Candidates.' as outlined above.

This call will be open on this list until Thursday 26th January at 2359 UTC for any active ALS or Unaffiliated Individual Member to make any objections known. After this time, assuming a consensus emerges, we would take appropriate next steps.

On behalf of the APRALO Leadership Team,

Satish Babu