Dear APRALO Colleagues,

Just a reminder about the call for workshop and fellowship for APrIGF Bangkok!
This would be a good opportunity to outreach to our community for APRALO and engage a wider audiences there on some of the ICANN issues. 


Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum
APrIGF Bangkok 2017
26 Jul - 29 Jul 2016
Chulalongkorn University

Submit your Workshop Proposal or Fellowship Application before the deadlines!

The overarching theme of APrIGF Bangkok 2017 is “Ensuring an Inclusive and Sustainable Development in Asia Pacific: A Regional Agenda for Internet Governance

Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline: 15 Mar 2017 (Wed), 24:00 UTC
**Read the online submission guide before you submit a proposal!

Fellowship Submission:
Application Deadline: 8 Mar 2017 (Wed), 24:00 UTC

Our registration and synthesis document process will start soon too. We will keep you posted!

If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact the secretariat at

If you are interested to follow any news and updates about APrIGF and discuss relevant issues, you may subscribe to the mailing list by sending in subscription request.

We also welcome any Internet-related organisation to become a sponsor. Please contact for more information.

Best Regards,
Secretariat of APrIGF