Perhaps it is not too late to congratulate Maureen and Lianna for the selection to the 2017 APRALO Leadership positions.


Suhaidi Hassan

2017年5月25日星期四,ICANN At-Large Staff <> 写道:

Dear APRALO members,


On behalf of APRALO Chair, we would like to announce the results of the 2017 APRALO Leadership selections to the following two positions by acclamation :


* ALAC Member from APRALO: Maureen Hilyard

* APRALO Vice Chair: Lianna Galstyan


APRALO has forwarded the four nominations received for the NomCom position from Asia-Pacific to the ALAC for further action.


APRALO Leadership Team will be deciding on the status of the APRALO Secretariat position after the first meeting of the new team.


Thank you!


Kind regards,



ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community




Twitter: @ICANNAtLarge
