Dear All,

With pleasure I support the Chartering of Cybercafe Association CCAOI. 

As a regular reader to CCAOI monthly newsletters, I was assuming that they are APRALO chartered ALS for their inclusion of ICANN update news section in each of their edition, unfortunately form this email thread, I found that they are not. 

I also second Holly's point of view, that many NGOs need the partial government support to their projects in order to reach out well-established trusted bodies to recruit the common masses as per the case of CCAOI mission.  We can also see that CCAOI is affiliated with other NGOs like Digital Empowerment Foundation.

Having CCAOI on board among APRALO ALSes is guarantee of an active ALS.

Best wishes,
ISOC-Palestine (ALS) 

On Sun, May 28, 2017 at 11:11 AM, Satish Babu <> wrote:
Thanks for all the comments on the ALS application from CCAOI.

On the queries raised by Sala, Staff have been asked to get responses from CCAOI and post it to the list.


On Sun, May 28, 2017 at 1:18 PM, Jahangir Hossain <> wrote:
I would like to support the registration of CCAOI as an APRALO ALS member .

Regards / Jahangir

On Sat, May 27, 2017 at 8:28 AM, Pavan Budhrani <> wrote:


We received an application to be an ALS from  265 Cybercafe Association CCAOI. Please find the DD attached here.

Let me know your response by Monday.

Some additional information is here

“Subsequent to my previous mail wish to add that  while Individual members do not have a voting right however provisions are in place to encourage them to participate in the Associations decision making process including participating in the  Annual General Meetings, sharing their views and opinions and planning the way ahead.”

Pavan Budhrani

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