Dear Community Member,

Asia-Pacific School on Internet Governance is pleased to invite you to join a webinar as part of our effort to engage with the community on a few selected topics of interest in the emerging areas. 

First in this series would be on the topic of," Cybersecurity policies and cyber laws in the changing scenario".

Cybersecurity and its Governance has taken a center stage in all
facets  of  human activities viz online transactions, banking, small and
medium enterprises, education, entertainment, health care, trade,
etc. The contour of Cybersecurity is changing from Governmental needs to
societal requirements.

The session will address the need and necessity of formulating the
cybersecurity policy and cyber laws which caters to the whole spectrum
of ICT users and providers in any country. It also looks into the individual
sectors and organizations both Government and non Government in
designing appropriate cybersecurity policies to suit their needs. 

The details of the webinar are as follows:

Date: July 3, 2021

Time: 0800 UTC

Speaker : Ms. Atsuko Okuda

Ms. Atsuko Okuda is presently holding the position of  ITU Regional
Director for Asia and the Pacific region. Prior to that, she was the Chief
of the ICT and Development Section of the United Nations Economic
and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), in Bangkok,
Thailand, from 2015 to 2020. Ms. Okuda also served the United Nations
Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), the UN
Secretariat ERP initiative, and involved in the promotion of a wide range
of ICT for development initiatives at ESCAP. and the other UN
organizations. . Ms. Okuda obtained Bachelor’s degree from Kyoto
University (Japan), a Master’s from Helsinki University (Finland).

For participation, you may kindly register at the following link :

Once the registration is over, you will be receiving a confirmation mail wherein a zoom link will be provided for the webinar.

We look forward to hosting you.

With regards,

Dr. Govind
Chair, APSIG Program Committee