Dear colleagues,

The APRALO Leadership Team invites you to review and comment on the
 proposed APRALO Policy Platform 2020 found at this Googledoc link.

Following the presentation of the ALAC Policy Platform by ALAC Vice-Chairs Joanna Kulesza and Jonathan Zuck in an earlier APRALO Monthly Call of October 2019, and the successful conclusion of ATLAS III in November 2019, we believe it is timely for the region to consider an initiative which seeks to strategically address a number of overlapping goals for the region and the wider At-Large Community.

With this in mind, the proposed APRALO Policy Platform 2020 is designed to:

1. Facilitate informed, inclusive regional position development on issues/policies within ICANN's remit;
2. Act as the regional partner to the ALAC Policy Platform; and
3. Help coordinate the region's contributions toward various At-Large goals, including on ICANN policy, Outreach & Engagement, At-Large Review Implementation as well as ATLAS III. 

Finer details are to be worked on, taking into account your relevant comments and inputs.

There will be a short presentation during the next APRALO Monthly Call scheduled for 19 December at 06:00 UTC where we will answer any questions you may have on this proposal. 

In the mean time we thought it would be useful to draw your attention to the proposal ahead of the Monthly Call so that you may consider the same at your convenience.  Please add your comments to the Googledoc.

Kind regards,

Justine Chew
-Member, At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC)
-ALAC/At-Large liaison for Subsequent Procedures
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)