Dear APRALO members,

Hope you all are doing well. I would like to thank those who were able to participate in our monthly call last week and in today's webinar, which was very informative.

For those who were not able to participate, I would like to share with you the monthly report, which is now available here:

As for the highlights from November I would like to let you know about the following activities, where we encourage you to visit the links and provide your feedback:

The At-Large Beta Website - During November APRALO monthly call the new At-Large Beta website was presented. The link to the website is available here: APRALO LT worked closely with At-Large staff to provide feedback and additional documents to be posted in APRALO space. The call for comment is open also to all AP ALSs to be posted at wiki space here: Provide Your Feedback on the Beta At-Large Website

At-Large Webinar E-Books project The At-Large Capacity Building Working Group has been holding capacity building and update webinars for a  number of years and these are currently stored with the ICANN Community Website as recordings and transcripts. We have now moved to transforming this information into eBooks so that the same information can be accessed by anyone interested in how ICANN works and to encourage more IT-interested persons to join an At-Large Structure and participate in ICANN decision-making about the internet. Maureen Hilyard from APRALO LT team and Glenn Mcknight from NARALO prepared two e-books, which are available here for download:

eBook #1: “At-Large Working Groups” which was presented by Heidi Ullrich, Senior Director for At-Large, is the first of this series and eBook #2: The second part to the Working Groups programme was a session on “Cross Community Working Groups (CWGs)” presented by Marika Konings, GNSO Director of Policy Development. Both e-books are prepared by Maureen Hilyard (APRALO) and Glenn Mcknight (NARALO) and we encourage all APRALO members to comment and provide their feedback on these e-books and what other types of e-books they would be interested to see. Please, send your comments to Maureen Hilyard at

APRALO - APAC HUB webinar - On November 24, 2015 the next webinar was organized for APRALO members on "Missed the ICANN54 Dublin Meeting? IANA Stewardship Transition and Enhancing ICANN Accountability Updates". This is the fifth webinar organized within APRALO - APAC Hub partnership during 2015, which is the last for this year. All Webinar records, transcript are available here: Missed the ICANN54 Dublin Meeting? IANA Stewardship Transition and Enhancing ICANN Accountability Updates Webinar 2015-11-24The invited speakers were: Cheryl Langdon- Orr (APRALO member), and Jia-Rong Low - Sr Director, GSE Asia

You are welcome to hear the records of both of monthly meeting and the webinar and we are looking forward hearing from you how to improve our activities and what other activities you would like to have within Asia Pacific region. 

Take care
