Dear all,


The training sessions on Configuring for EAI will be held on the following two days:



Kindly mark your calendars if you intend to attend.  The online session details are given below:


ONLINE - Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 945 3017 0141
Password: 1d$7W90T?9 (online)

BY PHONE - Dial by your location

Meeting ID: 945 3017 0141
Password: 006230 (on phone)
Find your local number:


I will share these details in an invitation separately. 





From: Sarmad Hussain <>
Date: Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 4:08 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: Configuring for EAI - Train the Trainer Program - Week of 15 June 2020


Dear Participant,


Following the email below, you are requested to please fill in the Doodle Poll for the training on


Configuring for EAI


being planned for the week of 15 June 2020, if you would like to participate.


Two slots will be chosen. Please select ALL the times on which you can attend. As the participants are spanning multiple time zones, we are suggesting times which may work for most of these time zones. We apologize that the suggested times may not be convenient for all of you and still hope you will be able to join.


Kindly respond by 14 May 2020.  We will share the final training dates and times based on the popular choices in the poll.




From: Sarmad Hussain <>
Date: Monday, May 11, 2020 at 5:50 PM
To: Sarmad Hussain <>
Subject: Universal Acceptance (UA) Train the Trainer Program - May-July 2020


Dear Participant,


Thank you for volunteering to participate in the Universal Acceptance (UA) Train-the-Trainer Program, being organized by ICANN organization ( in collaboration with the Universal Acceptance Steering Group ( 


This program is focused on developing skilled UA technical trainers in the community. After these trainings, as UA trainers, you may be requested to help fulfill the many UA training requests we receive from the community and UA Local Initiatives.


The UA Train-the-Trainer Program will focus on two tracks:


  1. Programming for UA Readiness (Prog)
  2. Configuring for Email Address Internationalization (Email)


To cover these two tracks, we are organizing three trainings.  All trainings will be conducted through online webinars from May through July 2020, as per the following details:


Track     Time                      Planned Dates                   Training


Both       1.5hrs                    Week of 18 May               UA Technical Overview

Email     2 x 1.5hrs             Week of 15 June               Configuring for EAI

Prog       2 x 1.5hrs             Week of 20 July                 UA for Java Developers


We will be reaching out to you shortly with a doodle poll for each training you have volunteered for.  We request you to please fill all Doodle Polls by 14 May 2020.  Based on the polls we will finalize the times for the three training sessions. More details will follow shortly.


We look forward to your participation in the program. Please feel free to reach out to us in case of any questions.





Sarmad Hussain


Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) and Universal Acceptance (UA) Programs




Ph: +92-300-8414909

Skype: sarmad.hussain.icann