urgent change: MARTIN/PHILIP: with apologies, I am going to ask that I move your presentation to our next members call [Nov 11 probably]. The two rescheduled workshops have 'eaten' members availability. I do offer apologies for making this last minute cancellation. [and to Bene and Chris, who were with me this a.m. finalizing adm. work, and whom I asked to remind members of the meeting. On the way, I ran into a few members and they were courteous to advise me that they just saw the change, and would like to be at the workshops. It is an accident of scheduling that happened I gather yesterday or late the day before and was not 'noticed' unfortunately, so we didn't have the input yesterday to take this into account. Things move so quickly around here! It has felt like an excessively dynamic agenda this time. Trademark Clearing house has also eaten Phil Corwin's availability. Thanks, Phil, for your courtesy in letting us know. With apologies to all, I am thinking that I'll show up in the room, explain the situation, and make the executive decision that we can't be in two places at one time, after all. So, please participate in either the Trademark Clearing House or Consumer Choice workshops, and come to the GNSO Council. You have my brief talking pointsseparately for your review. It is unusual for the Chair to speak at the Council, and I am not encouraging that, as you will see. John asked for something else, and he and Zahid can continue to work toward support forJohn's proposal for more interaction with the participants. Thanks, John, for that great suggestion. with apologies for the change so late [and apologies to Bene for my overruling your efficient notice without warning. For members, Bene is not working today, as we don't fund her beyond a couple of hours on Wednesdays, so come to me if you have questions that I can help with, or ask Chris. and join me in thanking Bene for her great help to all of us in her time here. Marilyn CadeBC Chair
From: sdelbianco@netchoice.org To: bc-secretariat@icann.org CC: meetings@bizconst.org; jarkko.ruuska@nokia.com; zahid@dndrc.com; john@crediblecontext.com Subject: Re: Reminder of BC meeting today Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2011 11:19:40 +0000
It's an accident of scheduling, but the Consumer Metrics workshop is today at the same time. I am on the panel and was actually hoping for BC members to be there and support our recommended definitions and measurements.
Will catch up with you afterwards so I can help with prep for the public forum.
On Oct 26, 2011, at 11:05 AM, "Benedetta Rossi" <bc-secretariat@icann.org> wrote:
Dear BC Members,
I just wanted to remind you of the BC working session scheduled for today at 1pm UTC until 1:40pm UTC to prepare for the public forum. This meeting was scheduled before the ICANN schedule changed, so apologies for meeting overlaps at this time. The meeting will be held in ZIGUINCHOR.
I would also like to take this opportunity to say goodbye to members since I am now leaving the Meridien Hotel, and wanted to remind you that I will not be online for queries for the rest of the week. It was great to see you all here!
See you in Costa Rica!
-- Kind Regards,
Benedetta Rossi BC Secretariat www.bizconst.org bc-secretariat@icann.org
participants (1)
Marilyn Cade