Public Comment: The FY12 Travel Support Guidelines DRAFT

Dear BC Members Please note the attached public comment announcement. I will put this on the BC agenda for next week for a very short discussion. Since the travel costs affect the overall budget and operating plan, which Chris Chaplow, our V.P., Finance and Operations, manages for the BC re comments, I'll ask him to undertake our comments/ feedback on this topic as well. I have reviewed both the Strat/Operating Plan/Budget and this document, and it is i interesting that they are not aligned at all. I am anticipating a one hour discussion/working call session, but Chris will determine that, and set up a mechanism to take member comment. In the meantime, this is an alert to members that this topic will get a few minutes on the BC call. Best Regards Marilyn CadeBC Chair Comment: The FY12 Travel Support Guidelines DRAFT Public Comment: The FY12 Travel Support Guidelines DRAFT
25 May 2011
The FY12 Travel Support Guidelines DRAFT has been posted for public comment; a copy of the FY12 Travel Support Guidelines DRAFT can be found here [PDF, 518 KB].
The updated Travel Support Guidelines describe the proposed process for how supported constituent stakeholder travelers may book transportation to/from an ICANN Meeting starting with the 42nd ICANN Meeting in Africa in Dakar, Senegal. A public session will be held at the ICANN Meeting in Singapore to discuss the Guidelines and obtain any remaining input prior to finalizing the Guidelines for FY12.
The public comment period will close on June 26, 2011. The draft Guidelines will be revised based on the comments received. A final version will be posted prior to ICANN 42 current being held Dakar, Senegal.
Please go to in order to participate and share your comments.

Dear Members, As highlighted by Marilyn the FY12 Draft Budget has been published for public comment which closes on Sunday 17th June just in time for the Board Meeting on Friday 24th June. Last year the FY11 Draft Plan was approved in its entirety by the Board at the Brussels meeting. As usual the Budget cycle is a three stage process. Strategic Plan (Dec), Framework Budget (Mar), Draft Budget (May). This year, there was additional early opportunity for SO/AC leadership to submit early comment and support level requests. There was also Toolkit of services request process which originated . As this is an important subject I am asking for a small team of volunteers to help me set up a BC work team to discuss strategy and help with the drafting of the BC comments. I think it is important moving forward that a number of members are familiar with the budget cycle and numbers. If FC members Jon and Anders can help it would be appreciated. I am suggesting a single work team call for Friday 3 June 10.00 EST. Suggested Timetable 29th May Request for volunteers and background reading 2 June 5 min discussion at BC meeting 3 June 1hr BC Work Team Call 8 June Initial report to BC list for members comments. 17 June Comment deadline Looking forward to some productive analysis. Best wishes Chris Chaplow .------- Here is a list of all relevant documentation I can find in the three areas: < 10-en.pdf> Draft 2011-2014 Strategic Plan 0-en.pdf Public Comment Summary of Public Comment -21feb11-en.pdf Redline Draft 2011-2014 strategic Plan b11-en.pdf < 10-en.pdf> Draft 2011-2014 Strategic Plan for board approval at Silicon Valley df Board resolution at Silicon Valley Meeting Approved 2011-2014 Strategic Plan df <> Proposed Framework for the Fiscal Year 2012 (FY12) Operating Plan and Budget <> FY12 Summary of SO/AC/SG Additional Requests Public Comments BC comments Summary of Public Comments Summary of SO/AC/SG Additional Requests with proposed action and rationale. < n.pdf> Draft FY12 Operating Plan and Budget .pdf Toolkit Initial staff implementation report Cartagena Presentation onstituencies-toolkit-04dec10-en.pdf Transcript of GNSO Cartagena workshop ssion-04dec10-en.pdf BC submission 15th Feb 2010 Not published on Web please ask Chris Chaplow for a copy Toolkit update (Intended for GNSO Council but deferred?) f Chris Chaplow Managing Director S.L. Avenida del Carmen 9 Ed. Puertosol, Puerto Deportivo 1ª Planta, Oficina 30 Estepona, 29680 Malaga, Spain Tel: + (34) 952 897 865 Fax: + (34) 952 897 874 E-mail: <> Web: <> Information about Andalucia, Spain. De: [] En nombre de Marilyn Cade Enviado el: jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011 23:58 Para: bc - GNSO list; Benedetta BC Secretariat Asunto: [bc-gnso] Public Comment: The FY12 Travel Support Guidelines DRAFT Dear BC Members Please note the attached public comment announcement. I will put this on the BC agenda for next week for a very short discussion. Since the travel costs affect the overall budget and operating plan, which Chris Chaplow, our V.P., Finance and Operations, manages for the BC re comments, I'll ask him to undertake our comments/ feedback on this topic as well. I have reviewed both the Strat/Operating Plan/Budget and this document, and it is i interesting that they are not aligned at all. I am anticipating a one hour discussion/working call session, but Chris will determine that, and set up a mechanism to take member comment. In the meantime, this is an alert to members that this topic will get a few minutes on the BC call. Best Regards Marilyn Cade BC Chair Comment: The FY12 Travel Support Guidelines DRAFT Public Comment: The FY12 Travel Support Guidelines DRAFT
25 May 2011
The FY12 Travel Support Guidelines DRAFT has been posted for public
comment; a copy of the FY12 Travel Support Guidelines DRAFT can be found here [PDF, 518 KB].
The updated Travel Support Guidelines describe the proposed process for
how supported constituent stakeholder travelers may book transportation to/from an ICANN Meeting starting with the 42nd ICANN Meeting in Africa in Dakar, Senegal. A public session will be held at the ICANN Meeting in Singapore to discuss the Guidelines and obtain any remaining input prior to finalizing the Guidelines for FY12.
The public comment period will close on June 26, 2011. The draft
Guidelines will be revised based on the comments received. A final version will be posted prior to ICANN 42 current being held Dakar, Senegal.
Please go to upport-2012 in order to participate and share your comments.
participants (2)
Chris Chaplow
Marilyn Cade