Alerts from the Secretariat: ICANN Launches Strategic Planning Portal

Dear BC Members, Please find below an ICANN announcement of interest to BC Members: ICANN Launches Strategic Planning Portal. Thank you, -- Kind Regards, Benedetta Rossi BC Secretariat <> <> ICANN Launches Strategic Planning Portal 24 June 2013 ICANN has launched a Strategic Planning Portal. Community input is a vital element of ICANN and the new Portal further integrates the community's feedback in shaping the future direction of ICANN and its work. This new website will allow interested individuals and organizations from around the globe to suggest what ICANN's new, overarching vision and five-year plan should contain, and then to review and provide comments on a proposed strategic plan. ICANN is seeking public feedback on a wide range of issues, including internationalization and regional development, security and stability, operational excellence and more. These key areas will be discussed online and during the upcoming public ICANN meeting in Durban, South Africa. Input will be used to shape our strategic vision. Visit the new Strategic Planning Portal here: <> For more information about ICANN's 47th public meeting in Durban, South Africa, visit <>
participants (1)
Benedetta Rossi