Draft Letter to Board on Bundled TLD Applications

Dear colleagues, Fellow BC member, Andrew Mack, and I have developed a draft letter to the ICANN Board of Directors on the topic of offering bundled new gTLD applications with packaged pricing for IDN scripts. Defined, 'Bundling' is new gTLD applicants having the ability to include 'Clones' (defined as alternate scripts or language versions of a singular string) in their primary (IDN or ASCII independent) string application. 'Packaged Pricing' is any instance where an applicant receives a discount when applying for one or more clones with their singular application. Our hope is that the BC, with welcomed member input to finalize the draft, will become one of the signatories, along with other ICANN constituencies, stakeholder groups and supporting organizations. As time is short (the public comment period ends on 15 May 2011, followed by a GAC-Board teleconference five days later on 20 May 2011) we would kindly ask BC members to weigh in with your comments and support (or not) within the coming 7-day period (Thursday, May 5th). I accede to Steve or Marilyn on the process for the BC to become a signatory to the letter. On behalf of Andrew and myself, thank you in advance for your consideration. Kind regards, RA Ronald N. Andruff RNA Partners, Inc.
participants (1)
Ron Andruff