New BC Mailing List and Archive

Congratulations, Gary, and thanks for getting this up and running. Much appreciated. cheers/Rick Rick Anderson EVP, InterBorder Holdings Ltd email: cell: (403) 830-1798 office: (403) 750-5535 ________________________________ From: BC Secretariat To: BC List Sent: Mon Apr 27 23:50:36 2009 Subject: New BC Mailing List and Archive Dear Members I'm pleased to inform you that the new BC mailing list and archive is at last ready and available for use with immediate effect. Please keep this mail for future reference as there is some useful and important information below. Best wishes Gary ----------------------------------------------------------------- List management I am the manager or, in Majordomo parlance, the owner of the list. I can subscribe and unsubscribe list members and make changes to its basic settings. Deleting One thing I cannot do is to delete posts so please be sure that you are happy for your list mail to be sent and publicly archived. Sending The address for the mailing list is <> . Any mail sent to that address will be received by everyone on the list (BC members and any secondary recipients of the same member organisation). Mails will be received immediately. The archive only updates at certain times of the day, so you may not see your mail there straight away. Replying Please note these behaviours when replying to mails: - if you click 'reply' your mail will only go to the original sender and not to the whole list or archive - if you click 'reply all' your mail will go to both the original sender and to the whole list and archive - to avoid the original sender receiving your reply twice you need to manually take out the original sender's address in the 'To' line. It seems this reply system is ICANN-wide and I will check to see if the default can be changed. Cc and Bcc Bearing in mind that everyone receives the mails, there is no need to copy anyone. I am also subscribed to the list so don't need copying. Posting rights A reminder that only the named representative of the membership organisation has posting rights for the list. Archive The archive can be found at I will continue to archive list mails as a back-up Current List I will maintain the current mailing list for administrative matters and other items that are internal to the BC. Likewise, please send any internal matters directly to me rather than via the archived list. Subscribing Following this mail I will subscribe everyone to the new system. Once you have received your confirmation from Majordomo you are able to start posting. If you do not receive a confirmation of your subscription please let me know. This e-mail message and any attachments may contain confidential and/or privileged information intended only for the addressee. In the event this e-mail is sent to you in error, sender and sender’s company do not waive confidentiality or privilege, and waiver may not be assumed. Any dissemination, distribution or copying of, or action taken in reliance on, the contents of this e-mail by anyone other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you have been sent this e-mail in error, please destroy all copies and notify sender at the above e-mail address. Computer viruses can be transmitted by e-mail. You should check this e-mail message and any attachments for viruses. Sender and sender’s company accept no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this e-mail. Like other forms of communication, e-mail communications may be vulnerable to interception by unauthorized parties. If you do not wish to communicate by e-mail, please notify sender. In the absence of such notification, your consent is assumed. Sender will not take any additional security measures (such as encryption) unless specifically requested.
participants (1)
Rick Anderson