Latest draft advice on Consumer Metrics for gTLD expansion

As I've mentioned on recent BC member calls, John Berard and I are on a Working Group looking at definitions and metrics for Consumer Trust, Choice, and Competition in the gTLD expansion. I've just circulated the third draft of "Advice" to the board on the definitions and measures. (attached) After the WG finishes its edits, this draft advice will be posted for public comment. We will conduct a public work session in Costa Rica as well. Then a final version will go to GNSO, ccNSO, ALAC, and GAC for them to amend / send to the Board. BC member comments welcome. It's clear that we need a careful review of all Measures in here. If possible, indicate your comments and edits about Measures and 3-year targets within the respective table row. -- Steve DelBianco Executive Director NetChoice and +1.202.420.7482
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Steve DelBianco