Costa Rica Preparation, please respond

Dear BC Members, Thank you ever so much for your prompt reply concerning your attendance in Costa Rica, that was incredibly helpful for the preliminary preparation of social events and activities. It is now confirmed that the BC will have a social event with the Board, and with local businesses, date and venue to be confirmed. As the meeting approaches, I now need to ask you to please supply me with the usual pre-meeting information: Arrival/Departure Date Hotel Name Contact details whilst in Costa Rica Extra guests attending BC Social Events I would also like to remind you that on Stakeholders Day in Costa Rica, the Cross Constituency breakfast is scheduled to have the GAC as guest. For this event, we will be printing an updated version of the "Meet the BC" document to hand out to the Government Representatives. If you haven't already done so, please supply me with your picture and/or biography for me to add to the document asap. The document needs to be printed in time for the meeting, so it would be great if I could receive extra bios as soon as possible. Thank you ever so much for your help, I'm looking forward to seeing you all in Costa Rica! -- Kind Regards, Benedetta Rossi BC Secretariat

Hi Benedetta: Here is my info: Arrival/Departure Date: 3/9 - 3/16 Hotel Name: Costa Rica Marriott Hotel San Jose Contact details whilst in Costa Rica: +1 208 863-9361 Extra guests attending BC Social Events: none Best, Elisa Elisa Cooper Director of Product Marketing MarkMonitor 208 389-5779 PH -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Benedetta Rossi Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2012 2:53 AM To: bc - GNSO list Subject: [bc-gnso] Costa Rica Preparation, please respond Dear BC Members, Thank you ever so much for your prompt reply concerning your attendance in Costa Rica, that was incredibly helpful for the preliminary preparation of social events and activities. It is now confirmed that the BC will have a social event with the Board, and with local businesses, date and venue to be confirmed. As the meeting approaches, I now need to ask you to please supply me with the usual pre-meeting information: Arrival/Departure Date Hotel Name Contact details whilst in Costa Rica Extra guests attending BC Social Events I would also like to remind you that on Stakeholders Day in Costa Rica, the Cross Constituency breakfast is scheduled to have the GAC as guest. For this event, we will be printing an updated version of the "Meet the BC" document to hand out to the Government Representatives. If you haven't already done so, please supply me with your picture and/or biography for me to add to the document asap. The document needs to be printed in time for the meeting, so it would be great if I could receive extra bios as soon as possible. Thank you ever so much for your help, I'm looking forward to seeing you all in Costa Rica! -- Kind Regards, Benedetta Rossi BC Secretariat

Arrival: March 9 (late night) Departure Date: March 16 Hotel Name: Marriott Contact details whilst in Costa Rica: +1(415)606-3733 Extra guests attending BC Social Events: None On 2/4/12 1:53 AM, "Benedetta Rossi" <> wrote:
Dear BC Members,
Thank you ever so much for your prompt reply concerning your attendance in Costa Rica, that was incredibly helpful for the preliminary preparation of social events and activities. It is now confirmed that the BC will have a social event with the Board, and with local businesses, date and venue to be confirmed.
As the meeting approaches, I now need to ask you to please supply me with the usual pre-meeting information:
Arrival/Departure Date Hotel Name Contact details whilst in Costa Rica Extra guests attending BC Social Events
I would also like to remind you that on Stakeholders Day in Costa Rica, the Cross Constituency breakfast is scheduled to have the GAC as guest. For this event, we will be printing an updated version of the "Meet the BC" document to hand out to the Government Representatives. If you haven't already done so, please supply me with your picture and/or biography for me to add to the document asap. The document needs to be printed in time for the meeting, so it would be great if I could receive extra bios as soon as possible.
Thank you ever so much for your help, I'm looking forward to seeing you all in Costa Rica!
-- Kind Regards,
Benedetta Rossi BC Secretariat

Dear Benedetta, Here are my information regarding the Costa Rica meeting: Arrival/Departure Date: Arrival SUN 11 MAR. Departure FRI 16 MAR Hotel Name: COURTYARD MARRIOTT ESCAZU MARGINAL 10201-SAN JOSE; COSTA RICA TFNO.: 011 50622083000 Contact details whilst in Costa Rica: Mobile Phone: +34 620908692 Extra guests attending BC Social Events: None Bests, Mario. -----Mensaje original----- De: [] En nombre de Benedetta Rossi Enviado el: sábado, 04 de febrero de 2012 10:53 Para: bc - GNSO list Asunto: [bc-gnso] Costa Rica Preparation, please respond Dear BC Members, Thank you ever so much for your prompt reply concerning your attendance in Costa Rica, that was incredibly helpful for the preliminary preparation of social events and activities. It is now confirmed that the BC will have a social event with the Board, and with local businesses, date and venue to be confirmed. As the meeting approaches, I now need to ask you to please supply me with the usual pre-meeting information: Arrival/Departure Date Hotel Name Contact details whilst in Costa Rica Extra guests attending BC Social Events I would also like to remind you that on Stakeholders Day in Costa Rica, the Cross Constituency breakfast is scheduled to have the GAC as guest. For this event, we will be printing an updated version of the "Meet the BC" document to hand out to the Government Representatives. If you haven't already done so, please supply me with your picture and/or biography for me to add to the document asap. The document needs to be printed in time for the meeting, so it would be great if I could receive extra bios as soon as possible. Thank you ever so much for your help, I'm looking forward to seeing you all in Costa Rica! -- Kind Regards, Benedetta Rossi BC Secretariat ¿Necesita imprimir este mensaje? Protejamos el medio ambiente • Li cal imprimir aquest missatge? Protegim el medi ambient • Precisa imprimir esta mensaxe? Protexamos o ambiente • Beharrezkoa da mezu hau inprimatzea? Babestu dezagun ingurumena • Do you need to print this message? Let's protect the environment Advertencia legal: la información de este mensaje de correo electrónico es confidencial y se dirige exclusivamente al destinatario previsto. Si usted ha recibido el mensaje por error, por favor, notifíquelo al remitente y bórrelo sin copiarlo, grabarlo ni distribuirlo. Advertiment legal: la informació d’aquest missatge de correu electrònic és confidencial i s’adreça exclusivament al destinatari previst. Si ha rebut el missatge per error, sisplau, notifiqui-ho al remitent i esborri’l sense copiar-lo, enregistrar-lo ni distribuir-lo. Advertencia legal: a información desta mensaxe de correo electrónico é confidencial e diríxese exclusivamente ó destinatario previsto. Se vostede recibiu a mensaxe por erro, por favor, notifíquello ó remitente e bórrea sen copiala, gravala nin distribuíla. Lege-ohartarazpena: mezu elektroniko honetako informazioa konfidentziala da, eta aurreikusitako hartzaileak jaso behar du. Mezu hau hutsegiteren baten ondorioz jaso baduzu, arren, jakinaraz iezaiozu bidaltzaileari, eta ezabatu mezua, hura kopiatu, grabatu edo banatu gabe. Legal warning: the information contained in this e-mail message is confidential and is for the exclusive attention of the planned recipient. If you have received the message by error, please notify the sender and delete the message without copying, recording or distributing it.
participants (4)
Benedetta Rossi
Elisa Cooper
Frederick Felman