Regarding the amount of Auction Funds as described in the DRAFT Final Report on Auction Proceeds: 

Xavier, can you clarify for the CCWG-AP the following information so that it can be factually conveyed in the DRAFT Final Report?

Amount of Auction Funds as of [date]
Interest from investment of Auction Funds at __% over __ years - to date [where is it shown/in the total of $233.5 M or separately shown?

As three contention sets are unresolved; can you identify what those are? It should be a matter of public record, I assume? and whether there is any timeline to knowing whether these 3 will go to auction?
Of course, there is no way to know what any auction proceedings might be, but at least there will be factual information all in one place. 

From: Ccwg-auctionproceeds <> on behalf of Marika Konings <>
Sent: Saturday, September 7, 2019 4:27 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Ccwg-auctionproceeds] For your review - latest version of Final Report by Wednesday 11 September 2019

Dear CCWG,


Someone pointed out that the redlines in the pdf were not visible so please try the attached version instead.


As a reminder, your input is due by Wednesday 11 September 2019 at the latest.






From: Ccwg-auctionproceeds <> on behalf of Marika Konings <>
Date: Friday, August 30, 2019 at 16:32
To: "" <>
Subject: [Ccwg-auctionproceeds] For your review - latest version of Final Report by Wednesday 11 September 2019


Dear CCWG,


Please find here for your review the latest version of the Final Report: []. Attached you will find a redline version that shows you all the updates that have been made since the previous version but as the large number of redlines may be slightly overwhelming, we have posted the clean version for review and comments. Please note the following:



You are requested to focus your review on any ‘cannot live with items’ that need further discussion or consideration. Of course, if you spot any grammatical errors, inconsistencies or language that could be clarified, please note those as well. As a reminder your input is requested by Wednesday 11 September 2019 at the latest (see timeline below).


Best regards,





Expected Timing - By

Finalize work on items discussed during today’s meeting

Friday 23 August 2019

Staff to integrate agreed to language in draft final report and produce ‘final’ version for review

Friday 30 August 2019

CCWG to review draft final report and flag any issues of major concern

Wednesday 11 September 2019

CCWG Meeting:

  • Discuss any major concerns identified
  • Consider whether a public comment period is desirable

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Launch indicative survey on mechanisms

Friday 20 September 2019

Publish results of indicative survey

Friday 27 September 2019

CCWG members to consult with respective groups

Friday 11 October 2019

Re-launch survey on mechanisms

Monday 14 October 2019

Finalize report based on definitive survey results and either publish for public comment or submit to CO

Friday 25 October 2019

ICANN66 session to present Final Report

Wednesday 6 November 2019 – 15.15 – 18.30






Marika Konings

Vice President, Policy Development Support – GNSO, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 



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