Re: [Ccwg-auctionproceeds] [Ext] Re: Recordings, attendance & AC Chat for CCWG Auction Proceeds call on Thursday, 19 October 2017 14:00 UTC
Hello Marilyn, Thank you for this, I will note your apology for this meeting. Kind regards, Michelle From: Marilyn Cade <<>> Date: Friday, October 20, 2017 at 2:14 PM To: Michelle DeSmyter <<>>, "<>" <<>> Cc: "<>" <<>> Subject: [Ext] Re: [Ccwg-auctionproceeds] Recordings, attendance & AC Chat for CCWG Auction Proceeds call on Thursday, 19 October 2017 14:00 UTC My apologies to have missed the call. I had conflicts but had confirmed to join late. Unfortunately by then, my iPhone battery was ... "not my best friend". Not to worry. will be reading! See all of us "soon". M ________________________________ From:<> <<>> on behalf of Michelle DeSmyter <<>> Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2017 6:46 PM To:<> Cc:<> Subject: [Ccwg-auctionproceeds] Recordings, attendance & AC Chat for CCWG Auction Proceeds call on Thursday, 19 October 2017 14:00 UTC Dear all, Please find the attendance of the call attached to this email and the MP3 and Adobe Connect recording below for the CCWG Auction Proceeds call held on Thursday, 19 October 2017 at 14:00 UTC. Mp3:[]<> AC Recording: The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:<> ** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list ** Mailing list archives: Wiki agenda page:[]<> Thank you. Kind regards, Michelle ——————————————— Adobe Connect chat transcript for Thursday, 19 October 2017 Michelle DeSmyter:Dear All, Welcome to the CCWG New gTLD Auction Proceeds call on Thursday, 19 October 2017 at 14:00 UTC. Michelle DeSmyter:Agenda wiki page: Erika Mann:Good morning from beautiful Arizona, ladies! Erika Mann:You still have the operator calling me, right? Marika Konings:Morning, Erika! Erika Mann:Morning Marika! Michelle DeSmyter:Yes, they should be dialing you momentarily Erika Mann:Thank you Michelle Vanda Scartezini:morning all !! Jian Zhang:morning eveybody Vanda Scartezini:hi eveyone... Erika Mann:Morning everyone Vanda Scartezini:hope everyone is well. today a former director of PIR NAncy Gofus just died. she was DNS WOMEN sponsor several times.. We will miss her Erika Mann:Vanda, how sad! Thanks for letting us know. Jian Zhang:I'm so shocked! how sad Vanda Scartezini:yeah... she was young 63 years old... Marc Gauw:Good afternoon from Amsterdam Marc Gauw:And very sad to hear ! Julf Helsingius:Sorry to hear! Julf Helsingius:And good afternoon from Amsterdam ^ 2 Dietmar Stefitz:Hallo Fom Spain! Erika Mann:Hi from beautiful Arizona! Wale Bakare:Hi all Manal Ismail:Hello everyone :) !! Wale Bakare:Good morning/afternoon/evening Nadira AL-Araj:Good day everyone Erika Mann:Marika, can we start, looks like most people are here \ Marika Konings:Note the version up on the screen highlights a number of the comments received to date. Marika Konings:and aims to address some of those Marika Konings:Not me, thanks to Manal :-) Vanda Scartezini:i wrote it looks quite complete Marika Konings:I'll attach this version with the notes so everyone can have another look and provide input judith hellerstein:Thanks for adding my changes to the draft Manal Ismail:@Judith hope u r ok with wehre the text is inserted .. Manal Ismail:*where Marc Gauw:Thanks for this great achievement ! judith hellerstein:HI Manal. yes thanks and also would like standards-based in the last bullet as well Manal Ismail:@Judith thanks .. noted .. Nadira AL-Araj:Thank you Manal have you incorporated Daniel comments? Marika Konings:Erika, you may have skipped over item 3? Manal Ismail:@Nadira first email but not the second .. Sebastien (ALAC):Sorry for late arrival Nadira AL-Araj:Thank Mana Nadira AL-Araj:L Alan Greenberg:Also not on mine. Fix is to relog onto AC. judith hellerstein:@alan and others , Can you please note your adobe connectivity and problems issues on the At Large Technology Task force Adobe connectivity page and we discuss this with ICANN IT and look for fixes to these issues Peter Vergote (ccNSO):Hi all, sorry for joining late....had other meeting that ran over time. judith hellerstein:Here is the link to this page, judith hellerstein:We are working to creat a tracking form to track these issues better Wale Bakare:" In Service" vs "Consistent" is subject to ICANN Bylaws Nadira AL-Araj:In service to gives a broader perspective Vanda Scartezini:had no chance to comment but will do tomorrow. Wale Bakare:Agree Nadira but the contentious issue is that ICANN would want entertain proposals that are inline with its mission. judith hellerstein:Will also try and review the document Nadira AL-Araj:Wale, ICANN already conducted a project (the Middle East study) it was in service. Have you read the blog that was shared on the email Wale Bakare:Sure, Nadira I scanned through the blog Xavier Calvez 2:presentation from Xavier... and Sam! Marc Gauw:Good suggestion ! Xavier Calvez 2:The 3 models have only been presented for the purpose of indicating differences in respecting the basic principles of mission compliance and accountability. Sam/I have not tried to define these models, we did not provide pros/cons, risks, relative costs that would be required to be able to form an opinion. Choosing model primarily depends first on what the funds are used for and how. These questions are not yet answered. Erika Mann:Understood Xavier Marc Gauw:@Erika: Looks good ! .... Maybe you can still change 'FUND' in 'FUND(S)', and 'FOUNDATION' in 'FOUNDATION(S)' in option D) Wale Bakare:The 3 scenarios, I think would be expatiated by or in Abu Dhabi Ching Chiao:agree! Vanda Scartezini:yes, this is quite relevant for the success of tthe sue of this $ Carolina Caeiro:I agree Vanda Scartezini:sue = success... Marc Gauw:Agreed judith hellerstein:So sorry to hear that we are losing Asha Vanda Scartezini:yeah. Judith. i am sorry too... Ching Chiao:thank you all very much! Brad Verd (RSSAC):Thank you all. Marc Gauw:Many thanks, and bye bye Julf Helsingius:Thanks all! judith hellerstein:bye all Joke Braeken:Thank you all. Bye. Peter Vergote (ccNSO):Bye all Carolina Caeiro:thanks, bye Vanda Scartezini:safe travels to all going to ABU DHabi - best to all Erika Mann:Bye, bye Manal Ismail:Thanks everyone .. Bye .. Maureen Hilyard:thanks all Erika Mann:Safe travels indeed stephanie Perrin:Bye all Wale Bakare:bye Erika Mann:Marc - I saw your comments!
participants (1)
Michelle DeSmyter