**Please read** Member wiki page check/SOI check

Dear all, In an effort to ensure accuracy, please take a moment to check your GNSO SOI and make any needed updates. In addition, would all members, participants, and observers kindly visit the WG Members wiki page: https://community.icann.org/x/FpjDAw and verify your affiliation is correctly displayed. For any updates needed to the member wiki page or if assistance is needed with your GNSO SOI, please email gnso-secs@icann.org<mailto:gnso-secs@icann.org>. Much thanks to you all, GNSO SO/AC Support -- Julie Bisland GNSO SO/AC Support coordinator Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Email: julie.bisland@icann.org<mailto:julie.bisland@icann.org> Skype ID: 79613b691cb8a6c1 Find out more about the GNSO by visiting: https://learn.icann.org/<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__learn.icann.org_&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=DRa2dXAvSFpCIgmkXhFzL7ar9Qfqa0AIgn-H4xR2EBk&m=jLNFXvpu9gNdUeHi-G6sjWNCF9w4_AwhzzUDFZy2elE&s=o7Auz997kA-HPv9PHJCjFVZw7Pgo8krw4MxfqCwBrIU&e=> Follow @GNSO on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ICANN_GNSO<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__twitter.com_ICANN-5FGNSO&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=DRa2dXAvSFpCIgmkXhFzL7ar9Qfqa0AIgn-H4xR2EBk&m=jLNFXvpu9gNdUeHi-G6sjWNCF9w4_AwhzzUDFZy2elE&s=kWw4fQPNjw2lVKy1UjTxS2F0BmjEAzaDFWNmsYywbmE&e=> Transcripts and recordings of GNSO Working Group and Council events are located on the GNSO Master Calendar <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__gnso.icann.org_en_group...> See All SO and AC events on the ICANN Global calendar<https://features.icann.org/calendar>

Julie, et. al., All my information is copacetic :-) Sam Lanfranco On 8/1/2019 10:29 AM, Julie Bisland wrote:
Dear all,
In an effort to ensure accuracy, please take a moment to check your *GNSO SOI* and make any needed updates. In addition, would all members, participants, and observers kindly visit the *WG Members* *wiki page*: https://community.icann.org/x/FpjDAw <https://community.icann.org/x/FpjDAw> and verify your affiliation is correctly displayed. For any updates needed to the member wiki page or if assistance is needed with your GNSO SOI, please email gnso-secs@icann.org <mailto:gnso-secs@icann.org>.
Much thanks to you all,
GNSO SO/AC Support

Dear Julie, SOI up to date as of today. DOI also still factual. ________________________________ From: Ccwg-auctionproceeds <ccwg-auctionproceeds-bounces@icann.org> on behalf of Sam Lanfranco <sam@lanfranco.net> Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2019 10:54 AM To: Julie Bisland <julie.bisland@icann.org>; ccwg-auctionproceeds@icann.org <ccwg-auctionproceeds@icann.org> Cc: gnso-secs@icann.org <gnso-secs@icann.org> Subject: Re: [Ccwg-auctionproceeds] **Please read** Member wiki page check/SOI check Julie, et. al., All my information is copacetic :-) Sam Lanfranco On 8/1/2019 10:29 AM, Julie Bisland wrote: Dear all, In an effort to ensure accuracy, please take a moment to check your GNSO SOI and make any needed updates. In addition, would all members, participants, and observers kindly visit the WG Members wiki page: https://community.icann.org/x/FpjDAw<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcommunity.icann.org%2Fx%2FFpjDAw&data=02%7C01%7C%7C042e2fb43f7c4235010708d716919329%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637002686898525164&sdata=ITptzHE8d%2Bsfijk0I%2BTpI01kXPSTXhgY9ow3DbQ1fHU%3D&reserved=0> and verify your affiliation is correctly displayed. For any updates needed to the member wiki page or if assistance is needed with your GNSO SOI, please email gnso-secs@icann.org<mailto:gnso-secs@icann.org>. Much thanks to you all, GNSO SO/AC Support
participants (3)
Julie Bisland
Marilyn Cade
Sam Lanfranco