Mp3, Attendance, AC Recording & AC Chat for CCWG Auction Proceeds call on Thursday, 30 March 2017
Dear all, Please find the attendance of the call attached to this email and the MP3 recording below for the CCWG Auction Proceeds call held on Thursday, 30 March 2017 at 15:00 UTC. Mp3: AC Recording: The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:[]<> ** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list ** Mailing list archives: Wiki page: Thank you. Kind regards, Michelle DeSmyter ------------------------------- Adobe Connect chat transcript for Thursday, 30 March 2017 Michelle DeSmyter:Dear All, Welcome to the New gTLD Auction Proceeds Cross Community Working Group call on Thursday, 30 March 2017. Michelle DeSmyter:Wiki page: Kavouss Arasteh:Dear Marika,pls advise the name of co chair or chair of the group Marika Konings:Dear Kavouss, Erika Mann and Ching Chiao are the co-chairs of this CCWG. Kavouss Arasteh:I know Erika She is very kind and competent Kavouss Arasteh:I do not know Ching Chiao as he or she may also be as good as Erika Sylvia Cadena:Hi, hope you are all well. Kavouss Arasteh:Pls advise the operator to dial me up Sylvia Cadena:Oh yes, she is. And so is Ching. Erika Mann:Hi Kavouss, pleasure to see you're with us today! Ching (he) is a phantastic chair. Erika Mann:Hi Silvia, all if fine. My Internet is not working well, someone cut by mistake key cables in our office. I will need all your help if something crushe on my end today! Erika Mann:Sylvia and not Silvia Sylvia Cadena:Sebding you all the good vibes then! hope the cable gods be with you :) No worries, I am Silvia or Sylvia, ... is ok Sylvia Cadena:I was worried that I might loose power with the massive storm here, but we were lucky and we didn't lost power in this part of Brisbane. Although cyclone Debbie has kept us busy Kavouss Arasteh:certainly he is but I do not know him Maureen Hilyard:@Sylvia.. Debbie is raising havoc I see on the news. Take care Vanda Scartezini:hi all , Am I late? at my time looks on time Marika Konings:Hi Vanda - we are still two minutes before scheduled starting time :-) Vanda Scartezini:ok thank you!!! Marc Gauw:Good afternoon from sunny Amsterdam Sylvia Cadena:Thanks @Maureen :) hadia elminiawi:Hi Vanda, Marika, Marc and all John Levine:HIi from rainy Chicago Sylvia Cadena:On time @Vanda Julf Helsingius:Amsterdam is actually +21.5C right now... Marika Konings:Please remember to mute your microphones when not speaking. Julf Helsingius:Yes, someone has mic on judith hellerstein:HI All Erika Mann:Let's wait few more minutes before we start hadia elminiawi:Hi judith Asha Hemrajani:Good evening from Singapore Manal Ismail:Hello everyone .. Erika Mann:Hi Manal! Erika Mann:Hi Asha! Manal Ismail:Hi Erika :) !! Hi Asha :) !! Asha Hemrajani:Hello Erika, Manal, Hadia! Sylvia Cadena:Working ok :) hadia elminiawi:Hello Asha DIETMAR STEFITZ:I am calling from berlin and have to hop on a flight, so I might only be here fro about 60 minutes. Sorry Vanda Scartezini:hi Asha, Sally, erika and Judith and all gentlemen attending... Carolina Caeiro:Hi all Vanda Scartezini:forget Sylvia, hallo to you too Asha Hemrajani:I am on adobe only for now Vanda Scartezini:Becky is also, jsut show up to me in the list... kisses Becky. judith hellerstein:Thanks Vanda-hope all is well with you Ching Chiao:Hi everyone -- sorry for being later Ching Chiao:I am dialing in as well Ching Chiao:still have it on 1500 UTC judith hellerstein:Some people may have asterisks next to their name by accident since they picked NA. I realized it myself and changed it Kavouss Arasteh:Marika, pls speak slowly Mathieu Weill, ccNSO:Hi everyone, apologies for joining late Jacob Odame-Baiden:Hi this is Jacob from Ghana - apologies for joing late ..due to technical challenges Marika Konings:if helpful, we could do a doodle poll to assess partiicpation? judith hellerstein:I will be in in Jo-burg Marc Gauw:I will not be there Daniel Dardailler:not sure Sylvia Cadena:Yes, it will be a good idea to try to secure time for a FtF meeting hadia elminiawi:+1 Marika Nadira AlAraj:I will be there as well judith hellerstein:are we supposed to raise hand or put it in the chat Carolina Caeiro:+1 Marika Manal Ismail:I will be in Jo'burg .. Carolina Caeiro:I too agree it would be a good idea judith hellerstein:would be happy to meet f2f Ching Chiao:@Erika -- i have a point to make John Levine:might as well, many of us will be there Manal Ismail:+1 Kavouss .. thanks for raising this point .. Erika Mann:Ching! Vanda Scartezini:will attend too. in Copenhagen it was conflicted with anothere relevant session for ALAC DIETMAR STEFITZ:I will not be in Joburg, but participate remote. Ching Chiao:seems that i m being put on mute Ching Chiao:was trying to make a point, will leave comment here Sylvia Cadena:Great Marika, better that way. Kavouss Arasteh:Mrika +1 Vanda Scartezini:+ 1 Sylvia Ching Chiao:i think even the meeting B is short, moet people find it effective and let's try to work out a time for those who can make it to Jo'berg Nasrat Khalid:It won't be easy to get the full picture of who will be going to Joburg in a live call. Let's use a doodle link. Kavouss Arasteh:Marika judith hellerstein:HI Nasrat good to see you here Nasrat Khalid::) Good to see you too. Kavouss Arasteh: pls kindly speak slowly Manal Ismail:@Marika will you propose concrete slots or just dates? Marika Konings:@Manal - at this stage it will just be a request for a meeting as the slots available are not clear yet. judith hellerstein:But the problem here is that staff cannot edit the DOI and so require people to resend their DOI Marc Gauw:Please notice that a 'yes' could be subject to the participant being a 501c3 organisation itself Vanda Scartezini:ALAC certainly will have interest but will depend on the rules if oinside organizations can directly apply as ALAC for instance.. Maureen Hilyard:@Marc - please, what is a 501c3 organisation? judith hellerstein:But Vanda the question is whether your ALS will apply for funds Manal Ismail:Thanks Marika I fully understand though woudl like to note that until a concrete slot is proposed responses may not be that indicative as after confirmation the slot may collide with some important meeting to attend as the case in Copenhagen .. Marc Gauw:@Maureen: a tax-excempt organisation Maureen Hilyard:Thank you Marika Konings:@Kavouss - everyone has already been asked to complete the declaration of interest. Marika Konings:It is a requirement for participation in this effort. Vanda Scartezini:501.3 US rule for not profit organization related to tax exemption Marika Konings:@Manal - yes, understood. From the staff side we do our best to get clarity as soon as possible, but the scheduling is in the hands of the SO/ACs. Erika Mann:Understood Judith! Vanda Scartezini:@ judith yes, for this I said no, explained about DNS WOMEN project in the SOI, but it will not 501.3 so probaly will not apply but it is explained.. my issue is about projects by Cropp, or other ALAC interest as a general organization - using it through ICANN Manal Ismail:@Marika thanks noted .. Manal Ismail:+1 Ching .. Agree .. exactly the point I tried to raise on the mailing list .. Ching Chiao:thank you Asha judith hellerstein:Cropp has its own funding Marc Gauw:Mybe we should raise the question in the DOI als Samantha just outlined judith hellerstein:if the ICANN group funding cropp apply for auction money that is not you judith hellerstein:So Samantha. If the constituency you are from applies for funding does that mean all members need to change their SOI to yes? Marika Konings:we could add a column with the response to question 6? Maureen Hilyard:+1 @ Elliot Vanda Scartezini:@judith - can have more for expecifid items that can come out we do not know now. hadia elminiawi:+1 Elliot judith hellerstein:i thought the question was asking, for people in at large are answering the question with their ALS in mind and not with what At large might seek to do in the future judith hellerstein:perhaps samantha can qualify this for us Vanda Scartezini:Eliot recomend is good one Seun Ojedeji:just came in to ask that google invite be sent as i didn't plan for this meeting today, totally forgot. Unfortunately i have to leave now Seun Ojedeji:My apologies Mei Lin Fung:+1 on Eliot's recommendation Kavouss Arasteh:Erika, DOI that he or she or his or her organization do not have anyintention to apply must know the time frame as after some time his or her position may change judith hellerstein:HI Kavouss. as I understand it. If your position changes after time than you send in a new SOI judith hellerstein:sorry I meant DOI and not SOI Marc Gauw:@Sylvia: I think this already agenda 4 Nadira AlAraj:+1 Sylvia for consuming lots of time on this, Marc Gauw:But she did bring a good point Marika Konings:Erika, I am in the queue as well :-) (you may need to scroll up to see my hand) Sylvia Cadena:Sorry @Marc, I had tmy hand up a bit earlier, and probably put it down by mistake, but wanted to remind the group about why the DT divided the work on 3 steps. A very stringent DoI migt be one of the recommendations of this group for those that engage on step 3. Vanda Scartezini:+ 1 Sylvia. Vanda Scartezini:same here for ALAC and all ALSs we can not respond for all ALSs Vanda Scartezini:+ 1 Kavouss Marc Gauw:@Sylvia: yes, so you had a good point ! Sylvia Cadena:Thanks @Marc... John Levine:seems like we need slightly more than two answers: yes/likely/unlikely/no Erika Mann:John - the the open new column might allow us to captures all these various options Vanda Scartezini:Asha - we certainly agree with this point , but the complexity stay there but I beleive we just need to state that for ALAC for instance, and its ALSs will be possibly interest in participating and we shall state exactly this Stephanie Perrin:my apologies for being late John Levine:sorry, have to drop off for another meeting Asha Hemrajani:@Vanda yes my point was that we cannot say that simply because we are not at the stage of fund disbursement that we should not worry about the DoI. While it is true that we are spending a lot of time on this, it is important that we take the time to get it right. This cannot wait until the next phase (fund disbursement). Kavouss Arasteh:where is those questions Asha Hemrajani:Happy to try out Marika's suggestion Wale Bakare:@Kavouss, Marika Konings:@Kavouss - here you can find your DOI: Erika Mann:Kavouss - we will send the relevant documents to you! Lauren Allison:@judith: regarding your question to Sam on ALS, she isn’t in the Adobe room so relaying this on her behalf. One way to think about the ALS question would be to think through examples about the relationship someone has with the ALS (or with any other entity). Some ways to consider this question could be: If it's an ALS that they are involved in, then they answer would yes. If they intend to assist the ALS in applying, even if they are not involved directly in the ALS, then this would be yes. If they are getting direction from that ALS about their participation in this CCWG, then this would be yes. If it's just about a random ALS that they have no particular knowledge about or intention to assist, then this would be a no. elliot noss:I believe I volunteered for the small group to respond to the board letter elliot noss:but if I didn't, I am now! :-) elliot noss:also, I must now drop of the call. goodbye and thanks all Asha Hemrajani:Bye Elliot! judith hellerstein:Thanks Lauren. So if they are not assisting that ALS to apply than they can write no judith hellerstein:However, does this apply to the people appointed as members by ALAC. Erika Mann:I'm with you, can't you hear me Erika Mann:I will try to reconnect Wale Bakare:+ 1 Judith Erika Mann:Please move on with the debate! judith hellerstein:if they are an appointed member than is their org, their ALS or is it ALAC in which case they have to revise their response Kavouss Arasteh:I support the suggestion made by Erika to set up a small group composed of voluteers to draft reply to the Board once exchange of views are exhasted Ching Chiao:@Erika -- while you're away, I brought up regarding the point on budget of the WG, which could be part of the reply to the Board letter Marc Gauw:Would be nice to hear how everybody feels about the Sixth point. I totally support @Daniel and @Sylvia on their points Ching Chiao:sounds good Vanda Scartezini:my internet is poor but I already added my comments hadia elminiawi:I lost the sound Mathieu Weill, ccNSO:Indeed, 6th point is an item that requires written clarification from the Board judith hellerstein:HI hadia. try and reload your adobe. that oftenr works hadia elminiawi:I can't hear anything Kavouss Arasteh:No problem Manal Ismail:sounds good Erika .. Nadira AlAraj:Yes Mei Lin Fung:yes Carolina Caeiro:sounds good! Stephanie Perrin:yes Marika Konings:@Hadia - you may try logging into adobe connect again? Sylvia Cadena:I agree Erika, thank you. Marika Konings:or give us your phone number and we can dial out to you? hadia elminiawi:ok thanks judith Vanda Scartezini:+ 1 Kavouss Wale Bakare:Judith asked a question that pertains to ALAC but remains unanswered judith hellerstein:Hi wale. I think lauren answered it just was seeking a small clarification Wale Bakare:Thanks Wale Bakare:@Judith, i didn't get that, unfortunately Vanda Scartezini:yes lauren made it quite clear Mathieu Weill, ccNSO:Sorry that I have to leave the meeting. Will check the notes Erika Mann:Take care Mathieu! Carolina Caeiro:I think this work plan makes a lot of sense. I particularly like point 2, starting by considering all possible mechanisms and the analyzing them one by one. This will allow us to make a reccomendation and also justify why we have left out other options. Alice Munyua:Thank you. This is a great overview Marc Gauw:+1 Vanda Scartezini:wonderful Marika! Julf Helsingius:The engineer in me is worried about the phrase "all possible mechanisms"... Carolina Caeiro:I would like to have some time to provide comments in the google doc that was circulated at the very beginning of the process. Perhaps Marika we can set a deadline to provide comments to that document Manal Ismail:+1 many thanks Marika .. Sylvia Cadena:+1 Carolina. Really looking forward to #2. Thanks Marika for getting this organized in an improved graphic from the last time I saw it on the screenof te from Copenhagen Carolina Caeiro:the one with all the charter questions Sylvia Cadena:Sorry Erika, old hand Erika Mann:Thanks Sylvia! hadia elminiawi:Thanks Marika Kavouss Arasteh:what are the time frames till we go to public comment Alice Munyua:Yes time frame will help us plan Asha Hemrajani:+1 Alice Sylvia Cadena:+1 a proposed timeline will help us to keep the discussion on time and to keep the focus of the group. Vanda Scartezini:yes, general one will give public idea about our work, not only to us. a general road map calm daown all community about when there will be something clear for them to comment for instance Manal Ismail:+1 from me as well . hadia elminiawi:+1 Alice judith hellerstein:yes for me as well Marika Konings:@Caroline - I can share the link to that google doc with the notes Mei Lin Fung:+1 Alice Carolina Caeiro:@Marika, I have the link. Was wondering about how much time we hace to complete it, but I believe this will become clear when the timeline is proposed, so thanks :) Kavouss Arasteh:the course of actions which were taken in regard with previous charters should be taken into account as they wrorked well and by so doing we avoid duplication Sylvia Cadena:Thanks Erika and Ching for yur guidance today. Carolina Caeiro:Thanks everyone! Marc Gauw:Bye bye from Amsterdam Stephanie Perrin:Thanks! Julf Helsingius:Thanks to everybody! bverd (RSSAC):thank you... good day. Sylvia Cadena:Thanks Marika for yurbhar work to get this organized. judith hellerstein:bye all Asha Hemrajani:Thank you Ching Vanda Scartezini:thank you to all this positive call Asha Hemrajani:and Erika Manal Ismail:Thanks Erika, Marika and everyone .. Bye .. Alice Munyua:Thank you Bye Maureen Hilyard:Thank you Erika.. bye all Jacob Odame-Baiden:thanks bye everyone Vanda Scartezini:thank you all! Wale Bakare:thanks, bye hadia elminiawi:thank you and bye all
participants (1)
Michelle DeSmyter