I wonder if we should take the initiate to develop a proposal for an improved format for Mexico City? 

From: owner-council@gnso.icann.org [mailto:owner-council@gnso.icann.org] On Behalf Of Philip Sheppard
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2008 10:32 AM
To: council@gnso.icann.org
Subject: [council] Feedback on Open Joint Sessions in Cairo

I wanted to provide some feedback on the open joint sessions.
Positive points
- it happened
- it addressed genuine cross SO/AC issues
Negative points
- many issues were ill suited to a single SO/AC view and so the chair was unable to provide input
- the event was a bit lack lustre because of this overly strong focus on the chairs
- I did not agree with the populist proposal to have every SO under the sun here just because they exist. The event was intended to foster understanding on joint issues not be a platform for every SO/AC.
Imagine a large empty room with one large round table with the full leadership of each organisation sitting ie the GNSO Council, CC council, the ALAC, the GAC leadership etc. It would be a big table - maybe three tiered in the style of UN security council with one lead. But it would be exciting if THIS group had answered the questions.  Observers would sit around the group in outer circles, interacting as usual.
PS Glen would you be so kind as to forward this to Patrick Sharry also ?