Dear SG/C Chairs and fellow Council members,


We wanted to follow up with you in preparation for the upcoming Council Strategic Planning Session. For those of you that attended the GNSO’s session on priorities that took place on Monday 25 October (see, you know that this was a an opportunity for the GNSO community to share its views and weigh in on some of the topics that are expected to be discussed during this year’s SPS. 


Although we unfortunately ran out of time to explore some of the underlying thoughts and possible suggestions from the community, we wanted to share the responses we received to the poll questions that we asked session attendees. We hope this will provide food for thought for you and your respective groups to think about how we, as the GNSO community, should be addressing these concerns. 



Of course, the poll is just a snapshot of the views of those that were in attendance, but we do believe that based on comments that we have also heard elsewhere, they reflect the current sentiment of our community. Acknowledging the issues is an important step on the way to recovery, but now is the time to start focusing on how to get there. We have already heard a number of helpful suggestions, but we would like to encourage you to come prepared to the SPS with concrete ideas and proposals that will assist us in tackling another challenging year. 


We look forward to hearing your ideas and suggestions during the first session of the SPS, namely the Threats & Opportunities session on Tuesday 9 November. 


Best regards,     


Philippe Fouquart, GNSO Chair

Sebastien Ducos, Vice-Chair, GNSO Council

Tomslin Samme-Nlar, Vice-Chair, GNSO Council



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