Thanks – I also agree that an extension is sensible. We don’t need to wait until the new Chair is found to start this important work though; Rafik is a very capable interim Chair!


As for the concept of a paid chair I support exploring this concept as it will ensure we get someone who is engaged and motivated. 


I’m not so convinced that co-chairs, especially one from each house, is the way to go, however: we need a single strong independent chair that can ensure quick forward movement.  A pair / trio of co-chairs could result in a situation where well-entrenched and known views impede progress.   


I also still think Michele’s idea of a ccNSO person would be great – if we know anyone willing to take this on!






From: council <> On Behalf Of Darcy Southwell
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2019 7:48 PM
To: Ayden Férdeline <>
Subject: Re: [council] Updated/Extended EPDP Chair EOI


Thanks, Keith.  Agree a two week extension is reasonable given the circumstances.  I hope providing additional details about the anticipated workload, pace, and intensity for phase 2 increases the pool of viable candidates.  


But for the sake of argument, what if it does not?  I think we need to start thinking that through now and not wait until our 18 April meeting to start considering our options.  A few thoughts I have:

  • We can extend the application deadline one more time if necessary; although doing so is likely only productive if there is a serious outreach campaign to locate additional qualified applicants.
  • What if the chair was a paid position?  I know this wasn't a popular idea during our Kobe meeting, and I can understand why.  But maybe we need to rethink that and explore budget options with ICANN.
  • Re-evaluate the charter for leadership make up/selection.  
    • What if we select 2 co-chairs, one from each house?
    • If Council selects the chair through the established process, maybe each house selects a vice chair.  With 2 vice chairs, the chair will have more support.

Ideas from others?





On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 8:20 AM Ayden Férdeline <> wrote:

Thanks for this, Keith. A two week extension sounds most sensible.


Best wishes, Ayden



‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

On Monday, March 25, 2019 2:40 PM, Drazek, Keith via council <> wrote:


Hi all,


The deadline for the EOI response has passed and there was only one respondent. In light of the EPDP and GNSO Council discussions in Kobe, I think it’s appropriate to extend the deadline for two weeks to Monday, 8 April while providing some additional details about the anticipated work load and pace/intensity of Phase 2. I hope this will inform potential Chair candidates and encourage a more robust response.  We have updated the attached EOI document accordingly, which will be posted later today.


Please let me know if you have any questions.



From: Marika Konings <>
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2019 7:54 PM
To: Drazek, Keith <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Updated EPDP Team EOI


How does the attached look? Note that I’ll be traveling part of the day tomorrow so I may be less responsive. Please make sure to copy in Nathalie on the final version so she can co-ordinate the distribution.






Marika Konings

Vice President, Policy Development Support – GNSO, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 



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