Dear Bruce,


I ask to have two topics, completely unrelated to each other, on the Council agenda. One item I would like added in as discrete agenda item for discussion and a supporting vote. The second I would like to have on the agenda for discussion and support to request an issues report from staff. Both are described below. I would also welcome any questions from interested councilors/liaisons regarding either of the topics.


Agenda Items Requested for Council Agenda:


1) discussion of draft bylaw changes to address transparency concerns of community. Draft bylaw changes will be provided later tonight fro consideration by the council. I ask that the topic be put on the agenda for discussion and a supporting vote to transmit the suggested changes to the Board as advice from the Council. I am not suggesting that this is a consensus issue and the requested vote would be in terms of a sense of support from the Council for these proposed changes.


I ask that the chair of the Registrar Constituency and the chair of the sub committee of the Registrar Constituency be invited to present on the changes they have worked on, and I would address the one segment that I have developed but that is included within the single document.


2) Request for an issues report from gNSO staff addressing how to proceed to make single letter domain names, now on reserve status,  available for registration at the second level in the generic TLD space. I would like to present a short statement describing the issue under AOB on the agenda list. I have posted a letter to Kurt Pritz and John Jeffrey advising them that I will be requesting to have this topic on the Council agenda and I did discuss the topic with both of them yesterday at the request of an interested party.


Regards, Marilyn Cade